Tuesday, 24 June 2014

The Colworth 2014 Marathon Challange - result

The Photographic Quiz:
Photo no 207:

Question:- What was so noteworthy about this event? Why would it have implications for Coventry Godiva when the club would not be formed for another five years?
Dear Blog,
         Friday June 20th. Free camping for camper van, large tent:-
‘5’ mile cross country race, about 400 finishers including both my daughters. Race results, awards  and memento in marquee, pig roast next to the changing-rooms ..which were open all weekend for showers / wash / pots cleaning / toilets any time!!
          Saturday June 21st. Beautiful weather, paddling pool for the kids which the adults commandeered for an ice bath after the run!!
‘8.1’ mile trail run with the hard core of about 230 runners who had entered the whole challenge. Race results and luminous technical t-shirts plus race awards .. wall to wall world cup t.v. for those so inclined in  the bar cum lounge .. which was open all weekend. Plenty and variety of sandwiches.
         Sunday June 22nd. And the weather was even hotter
‘Half marathon’ over trail, road and playing fields, two laps which allowed several viewing points on the Unilever Research Station playing fields on which the whole weekend was based. Luminous hat, race results and series results and awards which included individual runners entered just for this race. Plenty of refreshments, including Lipton’s Ice Tea and free ice creams (all weekend) although a contribution for charity was welcomed. Both daughters finished, one being 3rd overall …. On the day she became a vet!! (Master to you Blog)
And what more could you ask for a £20 entry fee????                                                                              My daughter’s birthday!!!!
Same time. Same place next year Blog …  a well organised first class event Blog. And yes, Godiva club member Damian Carr was the 2014 Coleworth Marathon Challenge overall champion again …AGAIN.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Drug Cheats

Photo no 206:

Question:- Godiva Harriers has a walking section formed in 1937 but de facto in existence for several years prior to the foundation date. So what is so special about this 1937 medal for the annual Sutton to Birmingham Walk?? Not quite what you might expect!!!
Dear Blog,
                Well now …….. Sometimes I am right, and sometimes I am wrong. And very rarely am I wrong. BUT.  Am I a big enough man who can admit when I am wrong and an error of judgement has been made? I am wrong Blog. WRONG!!!!! I used to say that those athletes who used chemical assistance were cheats and cowards. I was wrong. Not totally but partially. I still believe that they are cheats but I am not too sure about the coward bit!!?? As my day time activities now revolves around and focuses totally on my next self-administered fix, the thought of self-injection with that sharp needle is no fun Bloggie Boy, no fun at all. So to all those drug loaded athletic cheats, past, present and future who stuck a needle into themselves to run, jump or throw better, I unreservedly apologies. The term coward might be wrong. What you did was unforgiveable but to self-administer a bloody sharp needle takes courage, with a capital ‘C’ and is no fun, no way, not at all ……. Or perhaps I am a coward as well as you????? So I might have been correct; yes you are a cheat and a coward. Got to go now Blog for a quick jab ………………………….

Thursday, 5 June 2014

The National Health Service

Photo no 205:

Question:- Godiva had a cycling section until the early 1950s. Why did it cease to exist? And what is the significance of this bike …… and is it a spoof?????
Dear Blog,
                   What a surprise …. the man with the delivery van for Argos hasn’t been round to the Mansion to see me yet. I wait with baited breath for the compensation package to arrive. And what a surprise …. I have not heard from any ‘Watchdog’ programme from the media saying they interested in following up the story of how Argos turned a one third reduction into an 11% rise. C’est la vie?
I think I told you about my little tumble in December when I hurt my thumb joint, my neck and my right leg caused I suspect, by some of my varicose veins seizing up when I was out plodding. There I was trudging along minding everyone else’s business expecting my right leg to come through again to enable me to continue my forward trudge ….. when suddenly there was no leg there!! It was still behind me, seized up solid. Well Blog, as you know, it takes two legs to tango and if one is missing you enter a state of unstable equilibrium. (I learnt all about that at the Pink Panther University) So there I was in this state of unstable equilibrium, and mother nature preferring a steady state to exist, allowed me to go a**e over t*t, hurting  my thumb joint, my neck and my right leg. I have to say that it was one of the worst trips I have ever been on. My right leg is the size of an elephant leg – a big elephant. I have had to buy a pair of flairs from the 60s because my leg is so like a tree trunk. My new shoes are two sizes bigger to accommodate my swollen foot. You can just see my toes peeking out at the end of my leg swelling if you look very closely!! So six months on and much pain later, I decided the time was ripe to visit the Ju Ju man. So Tuesday was the big day out. What a waste of time that was. Half an hour consultation, reference to another member of the practice, give us a sample, that’s OK, your kidneys are still functioning, give us some blood, its black pudding night tonight …. So Blog, you mustn’t worry too much about me. I shall see the Ju Ju man again for further advice about my puffy leg when he has had time to read up in his big books about possible causes and cures. Heart transplant, no problem. Can you pop in tomorrow for a refit? Bionic arm, no problem. Just used 3-in-1 so it doesn’t rust up. New set of lungs, no problem. Just hold your breath for a minute or two while a new pair are slipped in. But a puffy leg. No way baby. Come back next week, please. Don’t you worry matey boy, I’ll be there with my compensation claim for the purchase of a new pair of flairs and a pair of large shoes. And then we can start on the thumb joint and the neck so I can have a pain free night’s sleep for a change!!!!!
                             Luv ya Blog.