Sunday, 17 July 2011

Genetics ... marathon training tip no. 4

Dear Blog,
                Who’s a clever boy then?? Sorry about the Photograph Quiz in my last little message to you. Well spotted! You are quite correct, it was printed upside down. So I’m printing it the correct way up this time for you  .......
 Photograph Quiz:
Photo no 36:- Which race is this? How far was it? How much did I win by?
And today’s training tip. Genetic training ... silly?? I call it Genetic Training because the genetic coding of A, C, G, U is replaced by L , R, S and C respectively. Just as the nucleotides can be arranged in any sequence, repetitions being allowed, so can the L, R, S and C but more than three letters at a time are allowed. For a session, decide on a rough time guide, decide on a sequence pattern and off you trudge. Oh yes ... ‘L’ stands for LEFT, ‘R’ stands for RIGHT, ‘S’ stands for STRAIGHT ON and ‘C’ stands for CHOICE. Example:- sequence selected is LLRSLR with the C being the joker card which you can play at any time, usually to get out of a spot of bother. Out of the door you go, turn Left (L) at the first junction, Left (L) at the next junction, Right (R) at the next, Straight (S) on at the next followed by a Left (L) then a Right(R). Decide before you start your trudge, if footpaths, ginnels etc. are included in your strategy. The ‘C’ can be played if you have a cul-de-sac, main road etc you wish to avoid or you are going round in circles (limit yourself to 4 or 5 ‘C’s otherwise it turns into a normal trudge). Repeat the sequence as many times as you wish or until you are completely lost or the session timer has elapsed. Sounds a stupid session but you get interesting different sessions. Watch those running magazine things .... like my last tip, my idea will be dressed up as something wonderful and sell it as original. No joking! Tip:- write the sequence on your hand before you start then you won’t forget what you are doing. I suppose if you are desperate to know how far the session is, you may wear a garment, but that spoils the fun!? Happy genetics!

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