Thursday, 8 December 2011

The eyes have it, the eyes have it.

Photograph Quiz:
Photo no. 64:- How come this Olympian is wearing a Coventry Godiva Harriers vest? When he ran a long way in his event at the Olympic Games, which club was he a member of?? What event did he run? Which Olympic Games did he compete in?
I’ll tell you what Blog, am I stupid or am I stupid? Sometimes I just cannot believe how slow I am … and we are not just talking about trudging here!!  I got back from my sprightly wizz round the block to night, did a few ups and downs, swinging this and a few swinging thats, went up the apples and pears for a shower when I got spots in front of my eyes. So what? Well until fairly recently, I had made the assumption that when anyone referred to spots in their eyes, they were the same spots as my spots in front of my eyes; that is only one spot in each eye??!! I assumed everyone was the same. Obvious assumption, what Blog? Well I tell you, I was a bit surprised when I learned that most people have lots of spots and they are boring little black ones. So what are mine I hear you enquire Blog? Usually one spot appears about half a mile into a trudge, and as that develops and then dies, a spot starts growing in the other. When they behave themselves and appear singly, seeing is dead easy, causing no problem. When they come together, and grow together, trudging gets a little difficult because vision is impaired and only peripheral vision is available; not the best condition when negotiating traffic or trudging amongst pedestrians. I have to admit on one occasion to apologising to a lamp post when I bumped into it!!! I kid you not, Blog. So how do these spots manifest themselves, I can hear you clamour. Tell me more. Tell me more. Well, tonight was strange because the spots do not usually come when trudging has finished, and rarely do they come together. For fifty odd years, not every session mind you, one pin point spot appears after half a mile; usually in the right eye, but not always. From a pin point source, it slowly enlarges into a cardioid with the bumpy bits pointing towards my nose. The colour is a most sensual, very bright palatinate purple with a very thin corona of intense yellow. The cardioid swells to occupy most of the central vision area, the arms meeting to gradually form a solid circle, the smaller the central black hole becomes, the more a sense of pleasure is felt. Better than a chemical trip, Blog?? Strange??? But before this stage is reached, the left eye joins in the fun, following the choreography laid down by the right. Fortunately, before the left cardioid matures fully, the right eye has faded, so avoiding yet another crash to earth because of a lack of clarity. In races there is no problem because you are in a group and you just have to hang in until the spots subside.
Didn’t you find that interesting Blog, or didn’t you find that interesting, Blog?
I’ll be considering noises in the head next week; something to look forward to, eh Blog?

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