Thursday, 26 January 2012

Six monthe to go to the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony

We’ve made it Blog, we’ve made it. Told you it was a stroke of genius, didn’t I? The Olympic committee never thought to register all those different ring patterns …. So Blog. We are in the money, we are in the money. Obviously my appeal for anyone keen on the idea of circumnavigating the copyright laws belonging to the IOC has been picked up by the American Cosa Nostra. They seemed to have fully endorsed my idea about the sixteen different Olympic Rings and their potential usage on a whole range of Olympic souvenirs. Or I assume it’s the Cosa Nostra who is showing interest. Who else would leave the severed head of a horse on the pillow of our bed? When I woke up this morning, it gave me quite a turn. There it was, laying on the pillows between me and my wife. A horses severed head! I can tell you she was none too pleased about it. She had only changed the sheets yesterday. She was quite angry at the thought of her having to put the washing machine on again this week. She was especially irate because it is so difficult to get the washing dry at this time of year; and it makes the house so damp having it draped over the furniture if it does not dry on the clothes line outside. I told her not to get too upset as the weather forecast seemed quite promising for the next couple of days.
She didn’t quite grasp the idea of the American Cosa Nostra leaving me a calling card to say that they were up for the Olympic Rings project, so I told her that the butcher must have been very late on his delivery rounds last night and didn’t want to disturb us when he dropped off our weekly order. She seemed to understand that and accepted that it was very kind of the butcher to be so considerate. She is thinking of dropping him off a bottle of her home made bluebottle wine with next week’s meat order as a ‘thankyou’ present. Bless.
 Did you see that a hundred people were arrested in London yesterday in dawn raids for offences relating to the Olympics? True, Blog, True. Look in the newspapers. As no police officer popped in to see me yesterday, I took it as official confirmation that my ingenious scheme for using the different Olympic Rings pattern is fool proof; T-shirts, clothing, trinkets, replica flags and medals, postcards; the sky’s the limit. Our Olympic Rings on them all and the law can’t touch us. We could create a Boy Band, call them the ‘Five Rings’ and a Girlie Band and call them ‘The Five Ringlets’. Then there is the franchising of goods and food services. And there will be all those lovely royalties from the goods developed in the Universities’ Science Parks. There will be money from the Government to set up Enterprise Zones in areas of unemployment. We’re minted Blog. Minted with a capital ‘M’. We are quids in with a capital ’£’.
I have hardly been able to trudge in the last two days with the excitement of the thought of me being a fiery Alan Sugar, a goggled Bill Gates, a lively Stev Jobs.  

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