Saturday, 25 February 2012


Decision time for you Blog. Big decision. Twelve months ago plus a week and a few days, we started corresponding because you wanted to become my friend and help me raise money for the two charities for disable children, Newlife and Tiny Tims Children’s Centre. And a good friend you have been. I suffered for four hours in the London Marathon to raise a few quids for the two charities for disable children, Newlife and Tiny Tims Children’s Centre. We have discussed the possibility of you starting to run / hobble/ trudge, haven’t we Blog? Well here is an incentive. An incentive which is irresistible! Tiny Tims Children’s Centre has five places in the GREAT NORTH RUN in the Autumn. Five. F  I  V  E. Get on your shoes Blog and get cracking. If you want a place to raise some quids for Tiny Tims Children’s Centre, get in touch with me like yesterday. If you have another friend besides me who wants a place to raise some quids for Tiny Tims Children’s Centre, get in touch with me like yesterday. If you have a friend of a friend who wants a place to raise some quids for Tiny Tims Children’s Centre, get in touch with me like yesterday. If you have a friend of a friend of a friendn (where n>1) who wants a place to raise some quids for Tiny Tims Children’s Centre, get in touch with me like yesterday. Spread the word, preach the gospel, go forth into the country and let the people know. I am serious Blog, GET IN TOUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question 1:- What is the very most annoying aspect of trudging? Answers on the back of a cheque made out to ‘Tiny Tims Children’s Centre’.
Here’s one for starters….. the most annoying thing about trudging is seeing one end of the waist chord of your tracksters disappear into the waist band as you put them on just before going out for a trudge.
Answer 1:-Do you search for another pair if you have enough quids in the bank to own two pairs?
Answer 2:-Do you hunt for a safety pin to rethread the chord before you go out?
Answer 3:-Do you use the said safety pin to put a tuck in your tracksters and look a right prat as you trudge along?
Answer 4:-Do you go out without tracksters and get your goolies frozen so they snap off in the cold?
Answer 5:-Do you write to me for a place on The Great North Run to raise money for the charity for disable children, Tiny Tims Children’s Centre?
Question 2:- Where do the companies who make trackster bottoms put such short tie cords in the waist band? What lengths should they go to, to hold the tracksters up? Answers on the back of a cheque made out to ‘Tiny Tims Children’s Centre’.
I’ll tell you in my next letter to you Blog, what happened on this morning’s trudge. Haven’t time now, I have got to rethread these blessed tracksters before I do my afternoon weights session.
PS If you want a bit of help with coaching, let me know at the same time.

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