Monday, 16 July 2012

Northbrook 10km 2012 won by Godiva harrier

So far Blog I have stayed in and still no sign of a media rush to interview me. I have had no official confirmation of which was the winning entry for the Allesley Village Festival Scarecrow Competition and the word on the street is that the Washbrook Scout Hut has won but as the Washbrook Scout Hut sounds pretty much like the Washbrook Sport Academy, I think we both know who the actual Victor is, don’t we Blog. Wink Wink. If the plaudits and awards don’t come my way and do bysome remote chance go to the scout hut, then there will have to be some serious answers to some serious questions I can tell you Blog.Yesterday was the Northbrook 10 kilometres road race which went past the end of the driveway to the finish just near the  the running race was just up the Lane at three kilometres as the runners headed out to Corley. It was manned by the scouts from the scout hut. (wink wink) The money raised from the race and other village festival events go to charity and one charity to benefit is the scout hut, wink wink. So if the afore mention scout hut wins a certain competition, I shall be down into town tomorrow on the first pensioner concession bus, I shall be into the offices of one of these ‘no fee no win’ johnies and I shall be asking some searching questions about what they will be doing to launch their investigation into this scarecrow malarkey. If I get no joy from them, it will be the Citizens Advice Bureau, my local councillor, then my M.P., then House of Lords and finally the European Equal Rights Commission. If I still receive no satisfaction, I shall write a stiff note to that nice Mr Cameroon and send a copy to the News of the World, as I believe the newspaper has a reputation for campaigning on behalf of the underdog. As you know me Blog, I am not the kind of person to bear a grudge nor is it because I am concerned about winning or not winning the scarecrow competition but something smells fishy if the scout hut wins and it won’t be because the River Sherbourne has flooded again from this last downpour of rain overnight. Justice will no doubt will out. Now because I cannot concentrate on my trudge, I shall pop into the gym and trudge on the newly acquired treadmill to the sound of music. That is my grammar phone, not the film. And I will also be able to hear the media turn up when they arrive.
P.S. Before I put them on e-bay with a modest starting price with no reserve, I thought I would give you first refusal Blog of the eight scarecrows I have for sale, all sold as seen, all used only once. If you only want seven, I shall not be offended Blog.
P.P.S. If the rumours about the Scout Hut are true then the vicar has had his chips, there will be no hoi polloi from the village treading on  my lawns later this summer at the local church fete, I’ll tell you that for nowt Blog. We had a deal, wink wink, with a capital ‘W’.   

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