Friday, 14 September 2012

Nowts as queer as folk

It’s a reet queer old world Blog. Ad t’go t’Chesheer fer a couple o’days wen ad nobbut just cumen back fre London. On’t fust mornin ah left th’owd lass snoring int tent t’go fer a trudge like. I thowert that she wur laiken but she wurnt. Nowt like a mornin trudge int country lanes sum wier new wi nower cars abart. Am allus up fer’t. Two miles (like three ‘n a bit kilo things t’yu Blog) an ah sees this ere reight funny like memorial thing. Tin it wuh an wuh rustin bad like. Stuck ont muck ont road side like. No writin or owt. Queer if yu ask me. Sum un laiken abart, ah thowert??
From thear, ah went hover fields fer abart three miles like (a bit showert o’five kilo things t’yu Blog) an ah sees this ‘ere thingie int edge. An Adolf flyin bomb oyer shot London like an landed int edgerow in Chesheer? Or mebe a misguided missile fre t’cod war wi Icelan?? A reight big bugger it wur.
Ah dun trudge an got back t’tent and th’owd missus wur still snorin’ like, so ad no un to tell abart cross n bomb thing, so am tellin thi Blog. Thowert thi might be intrested like?? Ah tuk t’pictures wen th’owd lass got up an wi wen fer a traipse wi sum snap. A chap kem by as ah wuh doin it like, so ah ses dust a knoeas owt abart this ere cross. He ses aye an ses at Millenium, t’village wuh giv a grant fre Mister Cameroon fer a Commeration Cross fer t’village like, an t’farmer oer field did a bit o tinnin so he med a model like. Wen t’reet un wuh med like an put int village, he wuh left wi prototype hissen as nower un wanted it like. Sos e stuck it ont muck at t’edge o field bi is drive. Any rowad, ah sed ta t’chap an sed ad mun tac a ride like t’village an tek a gawp. So a tekkin this ere picture to shower yu Blog.

                                                      Sitha. Colin
P.S. Ah astabart t’bomb but t’chap new nowt abart it. Ah tuk this ere picture o’that anyhows. If thi knoas owt abart it Blog, let us no like.

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