Saturday, 9 February 2013

Midland Womens Cross Country League results Feb 9th 2013

Dear Blog,
                Today was the final Midland Women’s League staged at Cheltenham around the usual parkland course with the usual section alongside the tarmac path which borders the lake in acres of nice soft running surface which is never as interesting as tarmac which can ruin your spikes in the course of a single race and cause considerable injury which may possibly keep you out of running for most of the season and cost you an awful lot of quids in medical fees which may or may not get you back to running again sooner rather than later.
                  I have to confess that I am impressed with the organisers of the Women’s League …. For years I have to wait for ever to find out what were the final results of the race I had just witnessed. Today - No Way. Using a little technology, the presentation took place so quickly after the run that I was still sat in the café drinking my polystyrene mug of coffee and missed the whole thing. Blog, I kid you not. Missed it. In the past I have knit myself a woolly jumper and matching mittens while waiting. At other times I have done the weekly shopping in the town centre which takes me a couple of hours using my bus pass (to travel to the shop not to pay for the goods). Last year I was cautioned by the police for loitering while waiting in the car park for the medals to be awarded, it took so long. (The medals weren’t awarded in the car park, that was where I was sat when I was cautioned.) So well done to all concerned this year and welcome to the twentieth century; long may this new found speed resulting continue. Twentyfirst is looking good?????

                  While waiting to miss the presentation, I looked into the Cheltenham County Harriers Trophy Cabinet out of curiosity. The not very good photo is a shot of Unwin Trophy. I have checked but nothing on the Cheltenham County Harriers Club information mentions the Unwin Trophy. So in case the club might just be slightly interested, the Trophy was presented by Mr Unwin (I will check my history notes on ‘The History Of Coventry Godiva Harriers and Other Clubs in the City’ as to who he was and what his connection to the club was) in about 1900 / 1901. Up until the middle 1920s, the competition for the Unwin Challenge Trophy was one of the highlights of the Cross Country season. Usual held on the third Saturday in January, it attracted some of the best Midland Clubs and South Wales. (Men Only). Many local clubs (Godiva, Humber etc..) travelled together on the same train. Indeed, thereby hangs a tale told to me by one of the competitors …how Godiva used to brainwash members from other clubs travelling with them, into join Godiva. The gentleman who told me the tale was one who was gently coerced into switching to Godiva!!! One of the attractions for club members was the award of six silver medals for the winning team. The medals were rather attractive having a dark blue vitreous enamel decoration … I am sure I have one in my ‘The History Of Coventry Godiva Harriers and Other Clubs in the City’ but having just landed from Cheltenham and quickly written this letter to you to catch the evening post, I have not had time to search …. Something for you to look forward to, eh Blog?

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