So Blog, How many council workmen does it take to dig out a ditch?????
One week ago, in the afternoon, a lorry dropped a container off on the layby down the Lane from my Mansion. The container was to act as an office / mess room for the workmen.
Six days ago, a very large mechanical digger appears down the Lane from my Manse, a lorry with two workmen who put out a set of warning signs, and nearly dinner time, a set of traffic lights with associated control equipment. Lots of noise. Three workmen and a lorry turn up. As a responsible citizen with a long snout, I felt it my duty to find out just what was going on. Digging the ditch out for the length of the Lane to solve the flooding problem, I am told. Waste of time mate … it’s the River Sherbourne ditch that needs digging out. Sorry governor, that river is Seven Trent, ditches is Council, that’s us. Half the road is coned off, traffic in the Lane controlled by the traffic lights (temporary). It is fun watching the farm machinery trying to get through. The delivery lorries have no chance. Workmen no happy about the speeding traffic, especially those that seem not to see the traffic lights (temporary).
By knocking off time 50 yards (56 metres Blog) of ditch have been dug out and the dredge spread on the road side verge.
Five days ago, portable loo turns up much to the relief of the workmen. Another 20 yards (22 metres Blog) dug out of the ditch and the dredge spread on the grass verge on the other side of the road, motorists noit happy about having to wait for the mechanical digger to unload the dredge especially as the traffic lights (temporary) are on green for go. But there was no go! By 11ses workman decided it is too dangerous to work with the speeding traffic. Stop work. Afternoon very quiet. No workmen. Tea time, lorry with two men turn up to collect the road sign warning signs and cones.
Four days ago, porta loo is transported away. Traffic lights go to temp somewhere else.
Three days ago, metal container (aka workmen’s mess and office) picked up.
So how much has those 70 yards (75 metres Blog) cost the ratepayers of Coventry????? Don’t blame the workmen, they worked on what they could … the other 430 yards (490 metres Blog) are for another time when the jobsworth has applied for a total road closure to ensure that the working conditions are safe. Jobsworth didn’t quite plan this job very well. The fact that it is a total waste of time in trying to solve the flooding problem is not material to the lack of job evaluation for the project. The fact that jobsworth will not be accountable for the mega cockup of a wasted week of traffic light (temporary), digger, container (aka office) porta loo and five or six workmen, lorry with two men, signs and cones is criminal misuse of ratepayers money.
So we are unable to answer the question posed at the start of my letter to you Blog, cos it not ain’t not yet finished. One thing for sure Blog, me and my spade could have done it quicker, and cheaper, saving the Coventry ratepayers a pile of quids. And the big question which needs to be answered is ?how many pairs of trudging shoes could I have bought if the council had paid me to do a bit of the dig-dig?
P.S. When will they be back??????????????????????????????????? Watch this space Blogsie.