Monday, 15 July 2013

Mother's little helper please.

     Gay, Powell et al.
     Two points the media may have missed concerning the latest happy pill episode so don’t forget you heard it first here Blog!!! Is someone at last going to square up to the farce we have in athletics concerning the detection, punishment and prevention of drugs in sport??? Are these latest suspects going to pursue the allegations through the courts in an attempt to open the sport up to legalised use of chemicals because the drugs are not illegal in the real world, just in athletics. Years ago before you were born Blog, a respected National Coach suggested we have open (i.e. with drugs) and closed (i.e. non drug takers) sections of the athletics sport so everyone knew precisely what was actually going on and there was no cover up on the part of athletes or administrators. This was also at the time of ‘Shamateurism’ so he had no chance of sparking a sensible debate into the matter. As with the payments of  many quids to athletes, drug use was a case of nod, nod, wink, wink, innuendo and gossip.
      And the other point that may have not been realised by the media, or they might just be playing it cool, is that we are now entering the era where the off spring of proven drugs cheats are entering into senior competition with a high standards of results. Nod, nod. Is there a case of like parent like child waiting in the wings??? And what about the off spring of parents who perhaps performed ‘under the influence’ when drug testing was in its infancy and it might be suggested that positive tests could have been avoided by various subterfuges. A case of collusion might have occurred???
      All the above is good stuff for a novel coming to an amazon near you soon. None of it could be true, of course, because such things don’t happen in real life. If it did, could it all be avoided simply by getting the sport back to competition per sec and forgetting about all the obsessions with times and records??

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