Thursday, 31 July 2014

Commonwealth Games .. Bolt out of the Blue 2014

Photograph Quiz:
Photo no 216. 217, 118.

Question:-  No question really, but the first three shots of my wonderful scarecrows which came neither first, nor second nor third in the Allesley Festival three weeks ago. Lots more pikies to to come, Blog. Can’t send them all at once with this new fangled charging for letters … is it a big packet or a small letter? Is the Queen looking the right way on the stamp or has she got bored and gone to feed the corgis? Will Charlie have to face left when Camilla gets her mits on the throne???
Dear Blog,
                   Now that I am back home from one of the colonies, I will try to catch you up on all the unexciting things that haven’t happened to me during the last three weeks or so. So, as Paul once said, here is the first epistle …   Tell me Blog, why is it so bloody hot in the swimming Baths for the spectators at the swimming events at all the major Games???

P.S. Remember Blog, the subject of the Allesley Village Fete was 'Countries of the World', so I chos4e God's Own Ciountry!!!

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Northbrook 10 km race 13th July 2014. Result.

The Photographic Quiz: …. And did you remember which was the crow from my scarecrows of 2012, Bolg? Well done … it is always useful to save all these wonderful letters which I send you at a great cost of many quids.
Photo no 215.

Question:- Which will be the first one you may wonder, Blog ……
Dear Blog,
              Today, 13th July 2014, was the Northbrook 10 kilometre race which finishes just passed the gates of my Mansion House. And it was so special this year as all the runners were able to enjoy my display. As I said in my last letter to you, I am like the brilliant Brazilian football team …. We didn’t come first, nor were we second and we never made third spot. But, I, like the Brazilian football team, know that we are the best …. We are simply the best. Better than all the rest. Better than the other crows, Everyone knows that, knows. We are the best. Period!

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Allesley Festival 2014 scarecrow result

The Photographic Quiz:
Photo no 214.

Question:- A dead easy one for the Blog. Look back two years an decide which crow from 2012 was this!!!!
Na then Blog,
                     If the can remember, sum two years to t’date, I wrote the abart the Allesley Scarecrow Festival. Tha mun have sin me Olympic display in yon 2012, tha must a kept sum pictures like? Any rowds, I reckon it were fixed as there were no way that a culdn’t not win. Last year I niver entered as a were still sulkin. Nay but, as am generous wi it, I enetered thisear year. Sublect were ‘Countries o World’ A did abart ten crows and t’country a did a bit abart were God’s Own Country, o course. An do ye know wot, Blog, a ad the explain t villages that a were talkin abart Yorkshire. Thee knows that, a knows that but these ear southerners know nowt. Well Blog, cutting in, it were fixed agen this year as I nobbut got a sniff of an award. Am a fed up or am a fed up???? Am reet set off al tell thee no nowt. Wen me film cums back from t’chemist wi me pictures of me crows al send the sum.

Monday, 7 July 2014

le Tour at Keighley

The Photographic Quiz:
Photo no 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213 :

Question:- Was this the crowd in Keighley we didn’t see? Was this Ingrow Bridge which the cyclists crossed but we didn’t see? Was this Halifax Road which the cyclist went up but we didn’t see? Was this part of Ingrow and Woodhouse we didn’t see? Was this my junior school le Tour passed but we didn’t see? Yes Blog, there are lots of yeses for you!!!
Dear Blog,
                The Tour de France has come to Yorkshire and now gone to France. I have to confess that I am not particularly interested in sport, including athletics. I would not bother to attend any sports meeting unless my family was involved. I do not watch sport, including athletics, on the television. BUT…. As the TOUR was passing within 50 yards (45 metres to you Blog) of where I spent the first dozen years of my life and passed directly in front of my primary school and passed directly in front of my grammar school, and passed the front of the pub where Ingrow Harriers were founded, and passed in front of the pub where Keighley Harriers were founded, and passed directly in the shadow of the block of flats where my parents lived and went along very many of the roads I used to train along including those in Skipton and Haworth, I thought it would be interesting to tune into the television channel to watch the riders pass along all the familiar roads and streets. SO I DID. Very many mentions were made by the commentators about the huge crowds in Keighley. The sprint stage in Keighley was mentioned repeatedly. Keighley was almost THE word used in the first hour or so of coverage, it was the town of choice ….. But …. Coming over the climb from Addingham down into Silsden, I should have picked up the portents; I should have felt the dark vibes …. The commentators were getting local facts wrong, they were misidentifying where the cyclists were, they were mispronouncing local names (How can you get Haworth wrong for goodness sake … but the ITV managed it successfully). As the peloton approach Keighley I phoned my sister, then I phoned my nephew and family to find out if they were going down town to watch the race live or staying in front of the box to watch the race live. The breakaway group of seven riders were getting closer to the outskirts of the town on the bypass where the sprint section was. The crowds were mega. Keighley was getting many mentions and the commentators talked of the decorations in the town and the effort the town had made, and the size of the crowd in the centre of the town … I was on the edge of my seat in front of the television. The riders turned off the by-pass at the roundabout, going uphill for a hundred yards (97 metres to you Blog) and took a left at the next roundabout in front of Cliffe Castle to ride along Skipton Road into the centre of the town. It then happened. A COMMERCIAL BREAK. A BLEEDING COMMERCIAL which included a competition the viewers could enter for some crappy bike or other …. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… And when the live coverage came back on the screen, the race was going up New Road Side on the outer skirts of Ingrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a single micro shot of Keighley. If I was spitting blood and yelling at the box, the Keighley Town Worthies must have been apoplectic with rage. After all the time, money, effort spent on preparing to greet le TOUR, to receive not a single nano second of view time was unbelievable with a capital ‘U’. The town had been passed by.
And within a minute or two, the commentators were obviously lost as to where the riders were, inventing some village I had never heard of!!! 25 years in the town and some village built God knows where that the riders were not passing through, gets more coverage than Keighley.
Today I got the broken television screen repaired and sent the bill to ITV.