Thursday, 31 July 2014

Commonwealth Games .. Bolt out of the Blue 2014

Photograph Quiz:
Photo no 216. 217, 118.

Question:-  No question really, but the first three shots of my wonderful scarecrows which came neither first, nor second nor third in the Allesley Festival three weeks ago. Lots more pikies to to come, Blog. Can’t send them all at once with this new fangled charging for letters … is it a big packet or a small letter? Is the Queen looking the right way on the stamp or has she got bored and gone to feed the corgis? Will Charlie have to face left when Camilla gets her mits on the throne???
Dear Blog,
                   Now that I am back home from one of the colonies, I will try to catch you up on all the unexciting things that haven’t happened to me during the last three weeks or so. So, as Paul once said, here is the first epistle …   Tell me Blog, why is it so bloody hot in the swimming Baths for the spectators at the swimming events at all the major Games???

P.S. Remember Blog, the subject of the Allesley Village Fete was 'Countries of the World', so I chos4e God's Own Ciountry!!!

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