Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Calor Gas - Flogas

Photo no 223:- surely not another scarecrow from the Allesley Village Festival I hear you say. Now next week I will have another set of photos of the Lane outside the Mansion, so it is worth keeping this to the fore front of your brain recall facilities, Blog.
Dear Blog,
               Following all the feedback you sent me after I wrote to you about Calor Gas and Flogas just over a week ago, and the comments yesterday by Mr Cameroon’s Energetic Minister in one of the broadsheet newspapers, the exciting news is that I have devised a new game for adults. It has a working title of ‘It’s a Gas, Gas, Gas!!’  It’s for adults only. Already a couple of the large games companies have shown not the slightest interest. But I am not expecting the other companies to get in touch any time now.
The beauty of the game is that it is for any number of players. It is one you can construct for yourself Blog, with the minimum amount of effort, equipment and preparation. The commercial version will be just a tarted up version and printed to make it look something it isn’t. Like a toothless tiger with a set of National Health dentures.
So …
You need a pack of six plain cards and on each one write one of the following:- ‘Mains Gas’   ‘Wood Burner’   ‘Oil Tank’   Coal Fire’   Electricity Supply’, and  ‘A mixture of supplies’. Shuffle the cards and place them face down on the table in front of all the players. All players now have a glass of wine, red or white.
The order of play is decided by whatever method the players agree upon, but once agreement on the method is reach, each players has a glass of wine, red or white..
The first player takes a card, looks at it, keeps it at his side face down (her side if it is a lady who is playing) and reshuffles the remaining cards, returning the pile of cards face down on the table in front of all the players.
The first player then makes 4 telephone calls. The player rings up the Calor Gas Company stating to the person answering the phone that he is using [the form of energy supply he read on the playing card] and he is giving serious consideration to changing to propane gas for his energy use in the near future. Could Calor Gas quote a price for a unit of gas and quote a price for the hire of the gas tank. A note of both prices is made by the player.
All players now have a glass of wine, red or white.
The second telephone the first player makes is to the Flogas Company stating to the person answering the phone that he is using [the form of energy he read on the playing card] and he is giving serious consideration to changing to propane for his energy use in the near future. Could Flogas quote a price for a unit of gas and quote a price for the hire of the gas tank. A note of both prices is made by the player.
All players now have a glass of wine, red or white.
The third telephone call is to Calor Gas. This time the first player tells the person from the Calor Gas Company who is answering the phone that at present he uses Flogas and wants to find out what prices Calor Gas will quote if he switches supplier. And what would be the cost or a new tank? He makes a note of the quoted prices and remembers that Calor Gas will purchase the tank off Flogas so that will be zero cost if he changes to Calor.
All players now have a glass of wine, red or white.
The fourth telephone call is to Flogas. This time the first player tells the person from the Flogas Company who is answering the phone that at present he uses Calor Gas and wants to find out what prices Flogas will quote if he switches supplier. And what would be the cost or a new tank? He makes a note of the quoted prices and remembers that Flogas will purchase the tank off Calor Gas so that will be zero cost if he changes to Flogas.
All players now have a glass of wine, red or white.
The second player now selects a card from the deck, looks at it, keeps it at his side face down (her side if it is a lady playing) and reshuffles the remaining cards, returning the pile of cards face down on the table in front of all the players.
The second player then makes 4 telephone calls. The player rings up the Calor Gas Company stating to the person answering the phone that he is using [the form of energy he read on the playing card] and he is giving serious consideration to changing to propane for his energy use in the very near future. Could Calor Gas quote a price for a unit of gas and quote a price for the hire of the gas tank. A note of both prices is made by the player.
All players now have a glass of wine, red or white.
The second telephone the second player makes is to the Flogas Company stating to the person answering the phone that he is using [the form of energy he read on the playing card] and he is giving serious consideration to changing to propane for his energy use in the near future. Could Flogas quote a price for a unit of gas and quote a price for the hire of the gas tank. A note of both prices is made by the player.
All players now have a glass of wine, red or white.
The third telephone call is to Calor Gas. This time the second player tells the person from the Calor Gas Company who is answering the phone that at present he uses Flogas and wants to find out what prices Calor Gas will quote if he switches supplier. And what would be the cost or a new tank? He makes a note of the quoted prices and remembers that Calor Gas will purchase the tank off Flogas so that will be zero cost if he changes to Calor.
All players now have a glass of wine, red or white.
The fourth telephone call is to Flogas. This time the second player tells the person from the Flogas Company who is answering the phone that at present he uses Calor Gas and wants to find out what prices Flogas will quote if he switches supplier. And what would be the cost or a new tank? He makes a note of the quoted prices and remembers that Flogas will purchase the tank off Calor Gas so that will be zero cost if he changes to Flogas.
All players now have a glass of wine, red or white.
The third player now selects a card from the deck, looks at it, keeps it at his side face down (her side if it is a lady playing) and reshuffles the remaining cards, returning the pile of cards face down on the table in front of all the players.
The third player then makes 4 telephone calls. The player rings up the Calor Gas Company stating to the person answering the phone that he is using [the form of energy he read on the playing card] and he is giving serious consideration to changing to propane for his energy use in the near future. Could Calor Gas quote a price for a unit of gas and quote a price for the hire of the gas tank. A note of both prices is made by the player.
All players now have a glass of wine, red or white.
The second telephone the third player makes is to the Flogas Company stating to the person answering the phone that he is using [the form of energy he read on the playing card] and he is giving serious consideration to changing to propane for his energy use in the very near future. Could Flogas quote a price for a unit of gas and quote a price for the hire of the gas tank? A note of both prices is made by the player.
All players now have a glass of wine, red or white.
The third telephone call is to Calor Gas. This time the third player tells the person from the Calor Gas Company who is answering the phone that at present he uses Flogas and wants to find out what prices Calor Gas will quote if he switches supplier. And what would be the cost or a new tank? He makes a note of the quoted prices and remembers that Calor Gas will purchase the tank off Flogas so that will be zero cost if he changes to Calor.
All players now have a glass of wine, red or white.
The fourth telephone call is to Flogas. This time the third player tells the person from the Flogas Company who is answering the phone that at present he uses Calor Gas and wants to find out what prices Flogas will quote if he switches supplier. And what would be the cost or a new tank? He makes a note of the quoted prices and remembers that Flogas will purchase the tank off Calor Gas so that will be zero cost if he changes to Flogas.
All players now have a glass of wine, red or white.
You have now got the idea Blog??? The procedure continues for all six players. If there are more than six players, the cards are collected in, shuffled and the game carriers on in the same routine until everyone has had a turn and the game ends.
All players now compare the prices offered to each player by Calor Gas and Flogas , the winner is the one who can stand up and remain upright without falling over because all the prices are the same … check this out Blog, I kid you not.
The player who comes second is the one who remembers that it is only a game and it is nothing like what might happen in the real world. Absolutely Not with a capital ‘N’.
 Don’t you think that I am simply brilliant Blog???  Or do you think I am simple???? Goes without saying really.

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