Sunday, 14 September 2014

Justice is done ... almost.

Photograph Quiz.
Photo no 234:

Question:- This lady musical star took part in my 1908 ‘Tour of Coventry and Warwickshire’, a marathon race in five stages in five days to recreate the First Marathon run in England in 1908 [according to the book ‘Marathon’ by Roger Gynn for Guinness Publications]. The original was a trial for the 1908 Olympic Marathon and ran from Coventry to the West Bromwich Football Ground. In my race each stage race was close to the course of the original 1908 race. So, who is the lady? What was her marathon time? Why is she famous? What group did she perform with?
Dear Blog,
                  On many occasions during the last month or so, I have rattled on about my scarecrow display in July and the injustice of my not getting first place or of not getting second place or even of not getting third place in the scarecrow competition in the annual Allesley Village Festival scarecrow competition. I refer you dear Blog to this month’s Allesley Parish Magazine which included the report of the success of the Allesley Village Festival 2014. It contains the following sentence ‘… BUT the wit, humour, effort and sheer Yorkshire arrogance of “God’s Own Country” (Colin Kirkham) was ingenious and cannot be ignored’. Need I say more Blog?? I rest my case! I was simply the best, Better than all the rest. Better than any ‘crow’, Any crow you ever saw. The Best. Yes I was the Best.
For a few quids, I will send you a signed copy of the appropriate page in the Allesley Parish Magazine [page 40]. All proceeds to the Tiny Tims Children’s Centre which provides support for disable children. Cough up Blog, you know you can afford a few quids.
This week I will be raising a few quids for the Tiny Tims Children’s Centre by giving another talk on ‘The History of Coventry Godiva Harriers and other clubs in the city during the last 140 years’. I thought I would try a variation of my usual talk by showing many random shots of athletes /cyclists / walkers with a distinctive Coventry backdrop and involve the audience by inviting them to try to spot where the back ground was. On each photo I can hang a bit of history about athletics in the city. Is that exciting Blog, or is that exciting??

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