Saturday, 25 October 2014

Clock change

What I should be doing???????????????
So Blog, thirty minutes ago we have all gone through the stupid twice yearly ritual of having to get up in the middle of the night to alter all the clocks in the house. Not only does this cause arguments as to who gets up to do the altering, but then there is the frustration of trying not to waken the rest of the household while you creep downstairs to change the time on the clocks, television, cooker etc etc etc.. And how do you explain to the cockerel that he should shut his beak for an extra hour and not disturb all the chickens? And then, the worse part. How to creep back upstairs quietly and not disturb everyone again? Do you turn on the lights and waken those still asleep while you creep around the bedrooms altering the upstairs clocks? Or do you fumble in the dark or simply use a torch? Decisions, Decisions. It is so embarrassing when you have to pop into the bedroom of any visitors to alter the time of their bedside timepieces … and if they are wearing a watch?? What to do then?? I’ll tell you what Blog, that nice Mr Cameroon has a lot to answer for at this time of year! Time of year, geddit Blog?
I am off back to bed, afterall, things could be worse….. If I worked the night shift, would I get an extra hour’s pay, would it be classed as over time at over time rate? And which rate? Emergency call out, double time extra, weekend bonus plus?
Good night  .. or should that be Good Morning?? So confusing.
P.S. Clearly I still have to change the time on my letter posting???

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