Friday, 5 December 2014


Photograph Quiz.

Photo no 250:- The club of the same name built something remarkable in Coventry in 1878. Any ideas Blog???

Dear Blog,

As of a long time ago, I wrote to you in a light hearted way about the very serious matter of the invasive red rubber band threat. At first it was thought that the infection would spread uncontrolled and human life might well be threatened. A major cause of concern. The contagion spread rapidly through the community because the postal authority men did not clear up their detritus and the band threat appeared to be completely out of control and THEN … in a flash it was solved. No longer, no more a problem. Humanity came back from the brink ….the life on the planet had been saved from extinction.

And how Blog, you quite rightly, ask ‘How did this infection of red rubber bands come under control?’

It was that nice Mr Cameroon wot did it. HOW? He flogged the postal service to one of his mates, lock, stamp stocks and elastic bands. Simple. Sell it and make a few bob on the side and make sure that written into the contract of sale was the codicil that there would be no further red rubber bands on the ground anymore. Not ever. The postal men who scattered these bands here, there and everywhere were not happy. Nor were the little boys who used them to make catapults for use at school. Neither were all the little birdies who choked on them in the mistaken belief that they had found themselves a cheap meal.

So it was out with the red rubber bands after years of decorating every street in the Union [as in ‘Vote Yes’]… and what were they replaced with????????????????? LOOK AROUND BLOG. You see them here, you see them there You see the flat note delivery labels everywhere …. It is a latter day red rubber band outbreak all over again but this time known as the YODEL notification leaflet; a nice yellow colour to blend into all the other litter on our streets. YODEL YODEL, your local delivery agent. YODEL coming to an echoing valley near you soon. THE company you can trust to deliver when you are out. It is rumoured that their agents, spend hours of their working (?) day hiding around the corners of our streets so that as soon as they see you leave your property unguarded, they can nip out from their concealment and stick a note on your door saying that they were unable to deliver your parcel as you were out. I could be wrong about the rumour. Probably for a small fee you can travel many miles to their Distribution Centre and collect the undelivered parcel yourself. And possibly, for a bigger fee you can have it redelivered …. No doubt when you are out!!?? And what is so clever about this I hear you ask Blog. Well. The clever bit is that the corner of their little labels are left very carefully just on the outside of your letter box so that the slightest puff of breeze and the label becomes detached and off it goes to gently float away down the street to blend into all the other litter on our streets.

The recipient of a parcel in such circumstances never bothers to collect their parcel from the YODEL Distribution Centre, neither do they pay a small or large fee for redelivery because they never knew that the parcel wasn’t delivered in the first place. Or sp I am lead to believe – I could be wrong – probably are??

Clever or what? …. And what happens with all the undelivered gear you may ask Blog. Well. Speculation is rife .. Auction it off??? Possibly the rumour on the streets is that some delivery men who might work for a certain delivery company, give their close family and relations and friends many varied gifts for Christmas presents and give many varied gifts for birthday presents. Bet that rumour is incorrect.

You should not believe any piece of gossip Blog, that might have no foundation in truth should you Blog??


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