Thursday, 26 November 2015

The Drugs Game 2015


Photo no:- one more than last time.

Question:- What is so very special for Godiva Harriers about the left hand book mark? What company produced them? What was the connection to Godiva Harriers? What was the connection to Coventry Harriers? How are Godiva connected to the three different Coventry Harriers?

Dear Blog,

                That load of question should keep you busy for a while?

                Now Blog, I have got a new game for you which I have invented.

Take a piece of paper, any piece of paper. Fold it in half, it doesn’t matter which way.

You now need some newspapers at least 2 years old. You will now need some athletic recordings from the radio and television at least two years old.

On the left hand side of the paper make a list of all the famous athletes who were active more than four years ago, preferably more than 20 years ago, who have been on tap to give quotes on athletic performance / athletic topics in the newspapers, on the radio or to pontificate on the television. Take examples from the pile of old newspapers and reels of old recordings.

Now on the right hand side of the paper make a similar list of famous athletes who were active more than four years ago, preferably more than 20 years ago, who have been on tap to give quotes over the last couple of months about the drugs scandal. Award yourself one mark for any athlete on the left hand side of the paper who is not on the right hand side of the paper. Well done.

Talking of the recent drugs scandal, I have said before that it would be interesting to test samples taken 20 or 30 years ago if they were still available. I don’t suppose for one minute that they are still in storage somewhere? Great pity, don’t you think Blog.


Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Stripped naked

Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- 217???

Question:-  Why did a Few of Godiva race walkers visit this pub annually some years ago?

Dear Blog,

                 I always have considered myself to be broad minded. But last Sunday, in the club changing rooms I was shocked. Absolutely flabbergasted. I just could not believe it.

               I was alone in the changing rooms, just having had a shower and I was towelling myself dry when in comes this lad of about 12 or 13 I would guess, and he starts to get undressed. Well. Something I have never experienced before in my 50 plus years in the sport of using changing rooms. Blog I kid you not, I was dumb founded .....

                Many years ago, very many years ago wen I were summat ov a lad an ad started runnin  like wi them Bingley Arriers, we allus travelled to races in ordinary clothes and got changed at the race venues which always had changing rooms of varying quality, but changing rooms there were, which everyone used. It was expected that such facilities would be provided as a matter of course. After a race whether it be a road, cross country or track event, the facilities were used and all competitors showered and changed together. All the blokes were starkers and no one gave it a second thought as we had been brought up at school to shower after sport as a matter of habit. Unlike today

               I suppose all this washing and changing business changed with the jogging boom and all your comprehensibles started taking part in jogging where it was the taking part that counted and not the winning....... People started talking about 'doing' a race, not 'racing'. You pays lots of your quids, you amble about a bit with many others and you gets your medal and you gets your bit of ribbon and you gets your goody bag [what a horrid word that is] and you go home for a wash.

              Today showers are rarely available after a race, and when they are, hardly anyone besides myself seems to use them. Runners of both sexes travel home in kit, presumably to shower and change there?? It is the same at my running club. Few athletes bother to shower after training. And the few that do ...... well Blog, what can I say ... the few that do, strip off and then cover themselves with a towel to walk to the showers. Is it me Blog, or is it me? And the blokes don't wrap a towel just around the lower half of their body, oh no! They have a massive towel to hide all of themselves in. Only a couple of us seem to prance around stark naked on the way to and from the shower.

           So you can understand Blog, why I was gobsmacked [what a horrid word that is] last Sunday in the changing rooms at my running club when this kid waltzes in and starts to disrobe, if you will forgive the expression. Off comes his track suit top, then his tee shirt then his running vest then his tracksuit bottoms then his shorts then his pants then his socks. And what does he do next Blog. You might well ask. You will never ever believe what I am about to reveal to you Blog. Well it was embarrassing I can tell you Blog. Yes I will. Shocked I was. He then, Blog I kid you not, then, he started carefully to turn his socks inside out then he turned his pants inside out then he turned his shorts inside out then he turned his tracksuit bottoms inside out (no joke Blog) then he turned his vest inside out  then he turned his tee shirt inside out and finally he did the same with his tracksuit top as well!!! And guess what he did then Blog? Yes, you are quite correct. He started to put his socks back on, then he put his pants back on, then he put his shorts back on and then he got into his tracksuit bottoms followed by putting his vest back on, then his tee shirt then he got into his tracksuit top, all still inside out, and then he buggered off out of the changing rooms' door. Is that as hygienic as showering I asked myself Blog .... I could not answer myself as there is obviously two sides to this question.


Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Birmingham and District cross Country League Nov 7th 2015 at Leamington

Photographic Quiz.

Photo no:- you guessed wrong last time Blog, try again.

Question:-  Who was this Liberal Prime Minister credited with winning the WW1? Which two harrier clubs did he compete for??? [Blog I kid you not, not a lot of people know that including all (??) athletic statisticians!!!!]

Dear Blog,

                   I went to the first Birmingham and District Cross Country on Saturday at Newbold Comyn, Leamington Spa; the fixture combines all Leagues so the fields for the two races are big, this year bigger than ever, especially the Ladies field.

                 And what a co-incidence? Blog, I kid you not. As you are well aware, being a man with historical interests above and beyond the norm, so to speak, in the 1920s the National Cross Country Championships were held here and because of bad organisation on the part of the officials, the runners were required to pass through a farm gateway after about 400 yards (400 metres to you Blog)  of running. And the inevitable happened. The field funnelled into the narrow gap at the gate, kettled as they say these days, Blog, and the runners were squashed into a confined space, all but the first few runners getting through the space unimpeded. Tempers flared and fighting broke out. THE POLICE WERE CALLED.

               On Saturday, the Women's race completed, the men's competition started. With such a large field, the runners were soon strung out around the course, and after the first lap offered the spectacle of an almost uninterrupted line of competitors all around the course - quite a sight!  Being a public park, there is the usual number of tarmac paths, which the runners had to cross as part of their 3 lap course; the solid stream of runners afforded few gaps for the public to slip through the field. No one minded. Indeed, the race offered something different on their usual Saturday afternoon stroll.


             One gentleman on a bike with two young children took exception to having his ride interrupted and lost his temper with the marshal big time. Presumably he was in the habit of using this public path every Saturday and was not going to let a thousand runners interrupt his routine? No way Josa, or as we say in God's Own Country, 'No way hosa'! He allegedly went into a rage, throwing his bike at the runners, and then when he was told that a member of the public had called the police to the incident, got on his bike and rode off at speed. THE POLICE WERE CALLED. It must have dawned on him after a little time, that he was minus two children, which might not have gone down too well with his wife / partner over the Sunday roast . He return to the scene of the outrage and was interviewed by the boys in blue. Luckily for the poor marshal caught up in the fracas, the events were recorded on video by spectators.

               If I remember, Blog, I will tell you about another couple of complex co-incidences which have happened in the last couple of months.



Sunday, 8 November 2015

IAAF Drugs scandal

Photographic Quiz.

Photo:- you guess Blog the number!

Question:-  What is the name of this athlete who's photo was recently sold on e-bay? What club did he belong to? And why don't the cups on the table fit with the gentleman in the photo?? [It may be of interest to you Blog, that I have interviewed the gentleman and he was quite tickled with the reason Blog, I kid you not].

Dear Blog,

                Well with all the breaking  news about the shenanigans going on in the world of athletics and drug fiddling, it would be invidious of me to pile more brown stuff on the growing pile of brown stuff, wouldn't it Blog?


What goes around, comes around.......

So let us enter the world of make believe .. IMAGINE ..... a sort of 'Round Britain Quiz' on the radio set with cryptic clues to solve  ... not that any of the clues contain a single grain of truth of course, but a bit of fun anyway. Something to do as the weather is so uninviting.

Here we go ....

Welcome to Round Britain Quizzle. I  am your host for the night and the first question is for the Gone West Team, the question has been  sent in by a Mrs. Wooden Fence from Barking who has invented all the facts just for our entertainment.

"What Official is linked a rumoured failed drugs test by a gold medal winner at the last Olympics with advice given to someone who might refuse to allow their athletic testing profile to become public with the holiday plans of another gold medallist who could not be reached by the press for a quote on the said profiling refusal, and the goings on in an American athletics training camp?"

The Gone West team is a little confused so ...

A clue

Think about who was charged with keeping the press out of the equation when the imaginary positive test was provided and was also involved in finding a solution as to why a positive might occur so that the drugs testers could be kept quiet, at least until after the Games when it would be forgotten?

Still no ideas at the Gone West Team. Well I will throw it open to the other teams. North by North South, have you any thoughts as to where this might lead if it were proved to be true, which it won't be of course.

Yes Gilbert, you are correct by saying that the photographs in the press do portray a personal connection.

Yes Lady B., there is a sex scandal involved which was kept very low profile and the national press, although reporting the alleged under age goings on, never made the connection. For a bonus mark, why do you think the connection was never made? I say this is good fun, pity nothing like this ever happens in real life.

Well teams, we are not doing too well on this question, so what I think I will do, is let it be this week's question for the listeners on the radio and I will give you the answer next week. [If I can think of one 'cos it's all made up] So it good night from the teams, 'Goodnight', 'Goodnight', 'Goodnight' and its goodnight from me, your quiz master for the evening, Frank Linn Englebert. 'Goodnight'.

As your announcer, could I ask any listener who has any questions about imaginary events of the 70s like the above, to not get in touch please.

        Tarrah, Blog.
