Thursday, 26 November 2015

The Drugs Game 2015


Photo no:- one more than last time.

Question:- What is so very special for Godiva Harriers about the left hand book mark? What company produced them? What was the connection to Godiva Harriers? What was the connection to Coventry Harriers? How are Godiva connected to the three different Coventry Harriers?

Dear Blog,

                That load of question should keep you busy for a while?

                Now Blog, I have got a new game for you which I have invented.

Take a piece of paper, any piece of paper. Fold it in half, it doesn’t matter which way.

You now need some newspapers at least 2 years old. You will now need some athletic recordings from the radio and television at least two years old.

On the left hand side of the paper make a list of all the famous athletes who were active more than four years ago, preferably more than 20 years ago, who have been on tap to give quotes on athletic performance / athletic topics in the newspapers, on the radio or to pontificate on the television. Take examples from the pile of old newspapers and reels of old recordings.

Now on the right hand side of the paper make a similar list of famous athletes who were active more than four years ago, preferably more than 20 years ago, who have been on tap to give quotes over the last couple of months about the drugs scandal. Award yourself one mark for any athlete on the left hand side of the paper who is not on the right hand side of the paper. Well done.

Talking of the recent drugs scandal, I have said before that it would be interesting to test samples taken 20 or 30 years ago if they were still available. I don’t suppose for one minute that they are still in storage somewhere? Great pity, don’t you think Blog.


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