Sunday, 24 April 2011

Reflections 1.

Place:-10,311.... but 8242 male to finish, but only 269 women in front!!!
41st over 65 but 1st over 65 Godiva to finish.
Photograph Quiz:
Photo no. 18:- This was my second marathon in six days, placing 2nd and, in this, I won with a considerable Gap. It took place in a vitally strategic area for the defence of the Western World during the Cold War. The U.S. had a considerable military prescence. Where was it?
  In case you are in a questioning state, Bloggs, about the charity total and who my medal winner is, all is well. I am holding back a few days because I am still getting dribbles of sponsorship for which I am extremely grateful; the total, must be £1000 +! Nearly all the late contributors are guessing a time. Strange, but they all seem to be the same guess. I hope they are not cheating and are conferring. A bit odd though. I did a few sums at University and I was led to believe that this chance outcome was most unlikely. Even stranger than all the times being the same, they are all stating  the same time of 4:04:42 which is my exact finishing time. Really weird. The chap helping me with my sums at the Pink Panther University explicitly lead me to understand that this sort of coincidence did not happen!! If he got this so wrong, perhaps some of the other stuff he spent three years boring the pants off me was incorrect also. I had little confidence in him at the time, but Mr Theolopidusodusus was adamant. There again, he would hold not truck with anyone questioning him. I had the temerity to wonder what would happen if speed faster than light could occur. How would it change the maths? A valid question. Nope. ‘If you think you know better that Einstein, Lorentz et al, Mr Kirkham, I suggest you should be studying elsewhere.’ He never said where he had in mind. When I suggested that perhaps we had got the ideas of particle physics wrong, he said some very rude Greek words; well they sounded all Greek to me.    
My London number was 26355 Gives you goose bumps doesn’t it? 26 miles 355 yards ... 26355!!! The exact marathon distance; the extra 30 yards is the distance to the baggage bus where runners retrieve their kit. If you refer to Wikipedia, you will find the distance was fixed in 1908 when the royal box was built in the wrong place, the architectural drawings were in the metric system and no one had the foresight to tell the cockney builders; so they stuck to imperial units. They weren’t that stupid. They realised that all the dimensions seemed rather big, so they turned the plans upside down, and they made much more sense. I bet Dorando Pietri found those last 30 yards to the baggage bus a bit of a bugger. With hindsight, we owe the builders a huge debt of gratitude. If they hadn’t turned the plans upside down and stuck to the imperial equivalent, we’d be running 42 miles. Correction ... you’d be running 42 miles and a bit, I’d be running the other way.
I mentioned last time that I might upgrade my physical endeavours to the higher Jog Level rather than Trudge. Well, I have had a rethink ... I think after trudging I should learn to trundle before I attempt to jog, I don’t want run before I can walk, as they say, so to speak. I had toyed with the equivalent of Free Running – Free Trudging or Trundling Along, but all the railings I’ve inspected are far too high for me to vault, and the sides of the buildings all look fiercesomely steep. So that is a definite NoNoNo. No Way. So it looks like it is going to be a trundle.
The trudging is coming along fine since Sunday’s London Marathon. Yesterday, I broke into a sweat. Mind you, I did trudge in the midday sun with the mad dogs. Today I shall really put the boot in and trudge for an hour while my wife cooks the Easter eggs for lunch, I just love those runny centres, don’t you, Blog? I use Kit Kat fingers to dip instead of bread soldiers. Yummy.
Keep up the good work, Bloggs, a few more quids for Tiny Tims Children’s Centre and Newlife  we’ll close the accounts. There is still a few things on e-bay to wrap up.

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