Thursday, 18 August 2011

Olympic Games 2012: Culture event, Coventry

Photograph Quiz:
Photo no. 43:- So a bike is a bike is a bike .... or is it???????????????
Dear Blog,
                 Earlier in the week I mentioned the Coventry Half Marathon and the wasted opportunity it offered this year. Sincerely, with a bit of lateral thinking, a field of 5000 would be scrambling over themselves for an entry. Coventry has so much to offer. How much would you wager me Blog, for me to do it .... and we’re talking quids not your euro things!!!  I reflected that the council have some good ideas but fail to follow the idea to a satisfactory conclusion. Look at Spon Street. Brilliant in conception and initial implementation, but where are the funds to maintain the Street???. The paving is cracked (wrong material used), the cobbles are creeping (using sand for a loose base is wrong), type of business operating in the Street (pub, butchers, hairdressers, bridal shop, audio shop etc. all great, but the mess left by the night clubs????) Why not capitalise with a few funds for the Watch Museum???? Look at the Transport Museum ... brilliant but not heralded as much as it should be.
And now ..... it could be a smash but it could fail miserably. Council get your finger pulled out and buff it up ..... the cycle as pictured. The report is self explanatory. Lady Godiva, Coventry .... UNIQUE.
Aren’t you lucky Blog??? Another poem by Colin.
Taxes higher
Godiva ire.
Naked ride.
Taxes died.

All inside.
But Tom spied.
How unwise,
Now no eyes!

Don’t you think my brilliance is blinding?

Tiny Tims Children’s Centre and Newlife news coming up.    
Now off for a trudge.

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