Thursday, 2 May 2013

British Universities Sports Federation Athletic Championships 2013

Photograph Quiz:

Photo no. 150: This is the Unwin Cup. Which club does it belong to and why did it concern Godiva? What were the profound consequences for another Coventry Club of one of the train journeys to compete for the cup??
Dear Blog,
             Done it again this morning Blog! Not a bad fall mind you, more of a sliding tumble, if you know what I mean. That was the bad news. The good news is that, no sooner had I got through the servants side entrance and made myself a cup of very strong black coffee to help heal my damaged ego, than the telephone rang. Not mine, but the one in the servant’s quarters. Being mid-morning, most of the staff were out on the skive so I had to answer the telephone myself. It was ever such a nice man on the other end; well-spoken and well mannered. He asked me ever so politely if I was having a nice day and then enquired if I had an accident or an injury recently. Now I must confess that when I fell over I was out in the country on a quiet lane. I was not aware that there was anyone about in the immediate vicinity. Clearly the pleasant gentleman on the telephone must have been somewhere close and had witnessed my misfortune. I suspected that he must have felt guilty about not offering to help me when my fall occurred and was making the telephone call to not only see if I was not too shaken up but also to ease his own conscience. I told him he was a little tease and that he must have known that I had just had a nasty fall. Of course it was not a bad tumble but I thought I would prick his feelings of guilt so that next time he should witness someone toppling over, he would help at once and not wait an hour to make an enquiry as to the state of their wellbeing. He seemed sympathetic and asked if I thought it was my fault and I said certainly not. I blamed the Coventry City Council for not filling in the pot holes in the road. Well its fashionable to blame them isn’t it Blog? I didn’t like to confess that I had probably tripped myself up as he seemed so worried about the seriousness of the fall and the state of the road. It seemed churlish of me not to salve his pangs of guilt. He asked if the injury was likely to keep me off work and would I lose my wage? I said it certainly would incapacitate me somewhat and that I would probably be confined to a chair for some time. I will use any excuse to avoid Mrs. Kirkham extensive list of chores she gives me to do each day; but I didn’t tell him that. Why should I make public the little tensions in my marriage? He did seem lonely though and I felt that he was trying to keep me on the phone for a little bit of friendly comfort for himself. Bless. But, I had to get rid of him as my coffee was getting cold and I was getting quite chilled after my trudge. In the end I told him I was feeling rather faint from the blood gushing out of my wound. He started to panic and said was I insured and did I want a private ambulance to take me to a private clinic he could recommend. Bless. He did sound upset. I said to him that I thought that was very considerate of him to be so concerned. I thanked him for calling and he said he would ring me back when he felt I had had time to recover a little from my ordeal. My coffee was cold. I made myself another as there was still no sign of any of the servants. My wife was at the Bingo by the way Blog. Regular as clockwork she goes, every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday evening. Gets her out the mansion and the exercise she gets doing the two mile walk to the bus stop in the village keeps her fit. As does the two mile walk back although on a Wednesday, it is three miles back as the local omnibus company has had to stop the afternoon return service as part of that nice Mr Cameroon’s cut backs. I blame his mate Vince actually for all these cuts. I put the phone down. It was only while I was bathing in the tin tub in front of the range that I realised that I did not know the nice gentleman’s name. I was thinking that a little thank you card from me would not come amiss as he had been so concerned about me and my welfare. It would have been a nice gesture on my part after all the trouble he had gone to in telephoning me. It was the least I could have done in the circumstances, I feel.
    It is the British Universities Championships this weekend Blog. I shall write to you tomorrow to tell you all about my experiences at the British Universities Championships in Cardiff, fifty years ago, Blog. Something for you to look forward to???

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