Thursday, 23 May 2013

Colin, can you help? Yes I can, yes I can.

Photograph Quiz:

Photo no. 145:- Read the caption Blog. What is the connection to Godiva?

What is the connection to this pub  on the left with the club? And amazingly, what is the connection to the Olympic Games Marathon? And if you get that lot correct Blog, I will reward you with a Snickers Bar!!!!!
     Well Blog, This morning refreshed by the old morning trudge around the block and with the threat of rather bad weather during the course of the day making the Estate administrative chores like weeding, weeding and cutting the grass a pleasure to be avoided even more, I settled down to a day of structuring the way I will set up display for the National Heritage Weekend in the Godiva clubhouse, featuring ‘The History of Coventry Godiva Harriers and Other Clubs in the City during the last 140 years’. This is hard to believe, b ut would I lie to you Blog? I posted my last little message to you less than 72 hours ago  …. Now I don’t know who you know Blog, but I am impressed with a capital ‘I’. During the time between my licking the stamp on the letter to you the day before yesterday and my coffee break at 9:30 am this morning, I had enquiries about two ‘Godiva Athletes’ of yesteryear and three scrap books of Godiva members who I had not seen for years and years!!!! Co-incidence? Pre-ordination? Chance? The work of the Devil? Or you Blog, you little tease?
     One of the enquiries was most interesting, I must confess. Yes I had information about the father …. probably about the grandfather which was a surprise to the enquirer that his grandfather ran. Then about his great grandfather who also ran for Godiva and about whom he knew completely nothing. Zilch!!! Reminds me of a similar scenario about a decade ago when I was able to reveal a new uncle, a grandfather, and the exploits of the father as a starter and as a renown cyclist of considerable standing; all of which came as a complete surprise to that enquirer. Makes getting up for an early morning trudge that more worthwhile, methinks.

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