Thursday, 20 November 2014

Coventry City Council to cut funding for disable children?

Photograph Quiz.

Photo no 249:- Yes Blog I know it is the same but for a very good reason

Read on Blog …..

I have already said to you Blog that the council has spent very many quids on this beautiful piece of architecture. Well last week the Coventry City Council announced that there was a strong possibility that transport for disable children to their Special Schools would be cut as part of the council’s financial package of cost cutting savings. So. Many quids on a fence which is totally unnecessary and no quids for getting disable kids to school which is totally necessary. I was so incensed at the two decisions that I did write to the editor of the local paper ….


Dear Editor,

Would you be kind enough to allow me a little space to let your readers know how pleased my 7 year old grandson is that the council have just spent a near six figure some on erecting a concrete barrier topped by three foot railings along the country lane where his granddad lives? My grandson can now sleep soundly at night, safe in the knowledge that his granddad is no longer in danger of slipping into the ditch at the side of the road when he goes to collect his morning paper. He does not mind being confined to a wheel chair nor attending a special school if his granddad can use the railings for support when he is out of breath after his afternoon stroll to the bus stop. He feels that having his mum and dad pay for his transport to special school each day is well worth their sacrifice knowing the huge amount of money spent on the road improvement in Washbrook Lane means his granddad can now leap up onto the railings to avoid the speeding cars coming down the country lane. And what is more, he is tickled pink knowing that his mum will get fit having to struggle the couple of miles to his school in all weathers pushing him in his wheelchair because they do not live on a direct bus route which they can use to get to school.

Colin Kirkham


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