Thursday, 13 November 2014

..Cripples, take up thy beds and walk.

Photograph Quiz:-

Photo no 247:- No question!!! .. just a before and after photo of how the council has spent nearly a six figure sum on ‘improving the safety’ of the Lane where I live!!!! And yesterday they announced that they are scraping the funding of transporting disable children to their special schools and the parents will have to pay … and how much will save the council, you ask Blog. Let’s put it this way, if the council hadn’t been so kind to me by protecting my safety as I walk down the Lane by the installation of the protective barriers, all the disable kiddies could travel to their special school for about the next four years. Blog, it makes you weep. Priorities with a capital ‘P’????
Mornin Blog,
               How people change depending upon circumstance. Six days I( went to the local hall which was packed to the rafters to hear a presentation by the council on plans to accommodate 30,000 houses, yes Blog, thirty thousand houses on green belt / green field sites around the city. The council were somewhat dragooned into the presentation after a so-called period of consultation on the issue which hardly anyone had been informed about – which is about par for the course with the city council on many contentious issues that affect the voting population of the city. The meeting was called by local groups not the council. The council officers were heckled, cat called but at the end of the day why should they care as they still get paid – probably double time rate for that meeting plus a lump sum for ‘danger money’! Our three councillors were in attendance … very interesting. One a highflyer cum consultant cum educational ex headmaster expert, stood at the front slouched against the wall and uttered not a dickie bird all evening. Bets that he would have been irate if a member of his staff had behaved in such a manner at his school. Another skulked at the very back of the room and no one knew he was there!! I certainly didn’t see him. You can bet on his next political circular he will be photographed leading the rebellious mob, organiser of the uprising, in the van?? Terribly sad that this is the face of politics in Coventry.

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