Wednesday, 30 December 2015

What price Christmas?

Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- six

Question:- Who won these  gold medals before he went on to run in one of his appearances in the International Cross Country Championships? Which Coventry club was he in? CLUE TIME:- He was probably the best Coventry Club runner before Basil Heatley.

Dear Blog,

                 So that was Christmas? And not a happy new year?? Big blow out what?? Too much wind eh?? Split in your side? Spare tyre too big? That is just what happens when you don't get your car serviced regularly, and the weekly checks on the water, oil and tyre pressure are neglected!! Still I believe you didn't have to push the car too far. Shame it brought on a seizure in your back; the doctor says you only have to stay horizontal on that board for another couple of weeks and you can start with rehabilitation. Pity about your holiday having to be cancelled though, the sun would have done you good. Still the tickets haven't gone to waste. I will tell you what the resort was like when I get back.



Friday, 25 December 2015


Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- five

Question:-  Do you know this bloke?? The police authority want to interview him urgently in connection with two cases of driving without due care and attention, multiple charges of driving while under the influence of drink or drugs, one charge of deception and one charge of cruelty to animals.

The driving without due care and attention relates to one incident in which a Boeing 747 had to take emergency evasive action as the above suspect came within 100 yards (metres to you Blog) of the aircraft above Birmingham with his sledge as the plane was returning from a visit to Lap land. The passengers, all old men, had been on a trip to see the dancers. The other charge related to a 737 which had to abort its take off of its Christmas trip to Turkey when it was believed by the pilot that a sea bird had been sucked into one of the engines. On analysis the meat turned out to be venison.

 The drink charge follow analysis of a blood sample given by the above suspect after being spotted driving his sledge in an erotic manner, when he had 180 mg of alcohol per millilitre in his blood, compared to the legal limit of 2.5 mg of alcohol per millilitre; it was equivalent of consuming 49 sherries - and the DVLA has no record of him passing his sledging test.

 The deception charge follows action from a parents group who claim that the above suspect told their young children that Christmas was just a commercial con and that Father Christmas was probably an unemployed tramp, or even worse, it could be that nice Mr Cameroon trying to win the young vote in time for the 2020 election.

The Animal Rights Safety Ensemble, or Arse for short, have brought an action because the above suspect did not allow his reindeers to rest during a 24 hour work shift whereas E.C. rules state quite clearly that a 24 hour shift should only be worked in the summer months and that 23 hours and 57 minutes should be a maximum during the winter.   

Dear Blog,

                 Boy what a night. I am knackered. Proper pooped. I don't think the word 'disturbing' is too strong a description to use. All those bloody bells a jingling all through the night and the amount of poo I had to shift off the lawn this morning had to be seen to be believed. God only knows what was going on. I had to wake my dear wife up to send her outside to find out what the commotion was all about. I said to her that she should put a cardigan over her baby doll pyjamas in case the neighbours saw her but she said that her tank top would do. I said alright but if there is any trouble, be sure to phone the police before she tries to tackle whoever is making the racket. I said to her that if they were burglars she should call me down and I would help them look for any valuables - don't want them to find any valuables - share and share a like is my motto. It is Christmas afterall. She finally came back to bed about 6am and I wasn't too pleased as she was soaked through to the skin and she started dripping on my side of the bed. I ask you. She never used to be so selfish. I think I have told you before Blog, that sometimes she is not very considerate. And then, to add insult to injury, she was late getting up to make my breakfast.

                Taking all her actions into consideration, I think, with hind sight, I was quite right not to buy her an expensive Christmas gift; I shall eat the bar of chocolate myself.


Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Joe Lancaster R.I.P.

Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- four

It was sad to hear of the death of Joe Lancaster on Monday

Dear Blog,

                   Carrying on the Drugs theme Blog ............... sorting through the loft a couple of days ago I found a couple interesting items. I found a running vest belonging to a marathon runner who was banned for drugs usage! So Blog the big question is whether my performance will improve if I wear it in my next championship race. Or will the traces of drugs on it still be traceable;  and will I end up being band - at least it will be a novel excuse to offer to the drugs testing panel!!!? If I wash it and strain the suds, will I be able to imbibe the reside?? And will I be flying or just high???

                 The other item I found at the same time was a discarded drinks bottle of an Olympic walking gold medallist. Blog, I kid you not. If I sup some of the stuff, will it make me run faster or just walk faster??

                 How much will I get on e-bay if I supply each item with a provenance, do you think Blog? I will of course give any money raised to 'Tiny Tim's Children's Centre' which is a local Coventry based charity for disable children - knowing that, any buyer might cough up a few extra quids??? I am of course open to offers Blog!!! I kid you not!!!

BUT and its a big BUT should  I parcel both up and send them to Seb as a Christmas present to help him kick off his drugs campaign in the New Year.


Thursday, 17 December 2015

Keighley Boys Grammar School

Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- Three of the new letters to you Blog - agreed????

Question:-  This is dead easy Blog ..... which School is this???? Nil Point for that Bloggie Boy!!!!!

Dear Blog,

                 In the last few days, that nice Mr. Cameroon has made some passing comments about his actions in Europe and living with the reaction of our neighbours from across the Channel. I didn't know our esteem Premier was au fait with Newton's Third Law of Motion, obviously a man with hidden depths. He will probably be into thermodynamics next week and get friendly with Canot???

               This action and reaction business reminded me of my being at school and the two reactions / consequences of one particular action of mine - one immediate - one delayed for six months.

Read on Blog.

               I attended Keighley Boys Grammar School having being the only boy from my junior school to pass the 11+. A new Head (Watthey by name) to the Grammar School was appointed during my later years. He was a Methodist lay preacher and I could not reconcile myself with his attitude and his faith. I had attended the local Wesley Chapel for a time as a youngster, and I thought the ideas preached were admirable although I had become atheistic in my outlook since. The new Head soon alienated me by scrawling in large letters all across my school report 'WAKE UP STUPID!' for no valid reason that I could detect. How could I explain that outburst to my parents who knew nothing of the functioning of education. I couldn't. 

          From being a kid, I had always been one to keep my own council and keep a grievance to myself until I could unleash my frustrations at a time and place chosen to suit me!! I thought that that was a good one to stash away for future use. And so it proved to be!

        Whether it applied to the rest of the school I do not know, but in the sixth form (Upper?) Watthey announced in morning assembly (I think it was) that he was introducing a Games Attendance Card which had to be carried by pupil to all school matches to be stamped by the master on duty to prove you had been present to support the particular school team playing at the time. I remember his smirk now, as he pointed out to the assembled pupils that he would definitely not be giving a good reference to any pupil who had not got a high number of attendance stamps on their Games Card. We must have been given them as we left the room I suspect.

       Two things to bear in mind when you read the following about my reactions Blog; one, as I have just written was immediate, the other took six months to manifest itself .......... I was desperate to get to University despite my social background as I saw a degree as the only way open for someone like me to escape the life of grind in the mill that my parents had had to endure. Also I was metaphorically flexing my muscles as a teenager and was acutely aware of my circumstances. It was the time of the Cuban missile crisis and I can clearly remember thinking as I walked down to school by myself as usual, on the morning that Kennedy had issued an ultimatum to Khrushchev that the world could well be embroiled in nuclear war by that evening and all the efforts I had put into my academic work would have been a total waste of my time. It may sound melodramatic now Blog, but it was terribly real to me then.

         So Watthey announces his Game Attendance Card, supposedly to enhance the school's sporting prowess? I was a couple of weeks away from taking any interest in sport and was incensed that he expected me to waste my Saturday mornings watching some stupid school game or other. No way. By break time I was spitting feathers, so I marched politely to the office and asked if I might see the Head. Whether I was allowed to see him then or at a later date, I do not remember but when I finally made it to the inner sanctum, I was far from slow in expressing my feelings. I can see his look of astonishment even now as I tore up my Games Attendance Card in front of him. Perhaps that was not the wisest move on my part as he exploded. I suspected he was going to attack me. Voices were turn up to full volume and he became almost apoplectic! He finally informed me that he would ensure that I never got to university as he would make sure I had a very poor reference from him. I fully expected to be summoned in  the near future to be told I had been expelled for insubordination or similar. In reality, I never spoke to the bloke again. I never acknowledged him. I did not attend the Keighley Boys Grammar School Speech Day to receive my 'A' and 'S' level certificates. And I never thought that the exchange had been over heard by any one and certainly it was never ever mentioned by anyone to me. I didn't quite make it to the rank of Prefect!!

         In those far off days to get to University you simply wrote a letter of application to your chosen institution. No UCAS forms to fill in nor a Clearing House to act as a fail safe net! Certainly no advice was given to me about what to put down or which university to apply to. And bear in mind Blog, there were not too many universities in those days, perhaps nine in the Northern area, so gaining a place was not easy. It was the days of Polytechnics and further education colleges.

          I sent off my letters of application and could not understand why I was not being called for interview as were all my contemporaries. As the time for 'A' levels and 'S' levels approached, I was seriously worried. Some twerp on the staff arranged for me to attend a Teacher Training College interview in Dudley [Blog I do not joke!] for some reason, which I turned down. My parents actually bought me a suit to wear at interview. Not only did it break the bank, but it got no wear. The only way we could afford it was that my younger sister had by now left school and got a reasonably paid job as a 'mender' which was a highly regarded job in the mill, near the top of the pecking order. By the most unconventional means which I will go into sometime later with you Blog, I wheedled an interview at Durham. Durham is a collegiate University. In my virgin best suit I was ushered into the presence of the College Head (Society actually but it is the same thing). Him and me! The first question astounded me. Completely threw me. After all the different scenarios I had imagined a University interview to be, the first question thrown at me was one that I had never ever imagined.

'Why don't you get on with your Headmaster?'

He could see my astonishment and that  I was obviously lost for words, so he continued with

'Why has he given you such an appalling reference?'

By the end of the interview I had been offered an unconditional place, which in lay terms means that I had been accepted at the college / university if I wanted the place!!!

         Thank you Watthey, you bastard, may you rot in hell. I assume the bloke has long since stopped preaching, at least in this world??

         Even Newton would not have expected that reaction??? Perhaps it was a double bluff on the Head's part to stimulate my studying. But then again, perhaps not.

          As I never went back to the school or had any contact with my contemporaries, except one who became my Best Man, I have often wondered if the events related above were a product of my over developed fertile imagination. Slowly the mists of time had dulled my recollection???? The set-to with the Head I began to think of as some weird dream .... no one else was present and his office seemed so cavernous .... coupled with the fact that there was no one else from the school with whom I could check the facts about the Games Attendance Card. There is an extensive O.B.s webby thingie that I once looked at but there was no reference to a Games Attendance Card. I did start to wonder if perhaps I should change the habit of a life time and attend one of their functions??? Then I decided 'perhaps not'!!

  THEN. OUT OF THE BLUE, about five years ago I met a former teacher from the Grammar School when we were both attending some local village function here in Coventry - I cannot remember what the occasion was about, to tell you the truth Blog, but he approached me and enquired if I was the Colin Kirkham, THE runner who had attended the Keighley Grammar School about 50 years previously. I confirmed it was me but confessed I had not a clue who he was ... he gave me his name and I apologised that I was still not any the wiser. He explained that he had never taught me but he remembered me from his second or third year of teaching at the school as I had been something of a cause celebre in his early introduction to teaching.

           Our School secretary's office at the Grammar School was at the end of a long wide corridor in the old Victorian building, the Head having his study next door. During breaks, apparently, the office was a hive of activity with staff dealing with various odds and ends but part of the attraction [the main part??] of the hive of activity in the office in that testosterone loaded all male school was the new appointment of a young female secretarial assistant!!!  This teacher and a couple of colleagues had been in the secretary's office when the shouting match between me and the Head took off and it was soon to be the talk of the staff room - a sixth former taking a stance against a dictatorial Head made an impression .... and it took me fifty years to find out about the rise in my stock in the eyes of the staff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So my memories were remembered correctly. Well done me!!!

         One consequence of our meeting was that he kindly invited me round to his house where he filled me in with gossip about dozens of members of Keighley Boys Grammar School staff about which I had been totally unaware ... do remember Blog, that my parents were basically poor and there was no spending money for me to go out socialising with school mates, so I never knew what went on in and around school. I grudgingly served me time at the school as a means to an end. Period.


Sunday, 13 December 2015

Acne used to be the drugs usage give away then it was weight rapid change then ....

Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- two

Question:- What was the best club in the Shop Keepers Cross Country League in Coventry? When did they race? Which Godiva member was the secretary of the League? Where was his shop? What did he sell? What did his son do for a job? Why couldn't his son follow his father's footsteps and

Dear Blog,

                 The drugs comments in the media has gone remarkably quiet following Coe's kid glove treatment at the hands of the Parliamentary Committee. Interesting.

                 Something he said reminded me of the time when I met a running acquaintance. He had shaved his head and I commented on the fact. 'Well you have to haven't you?' I naively didn't understand what he meant so I asked him what he was on about. 'Well the stuff makes your hair fall out doesn't it and it looks obvious then doesn't it?' I caught on!!!!  

                I know his mother was not a happy parent about things and it wasn't just his newly shaved head!


Saturday, 12 December 2015

English Schools Cross Country Championships

Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- one

Question:-  A murderer's victim lived in the third house on the right, but what did a Godiva Harrier do in the road about two weeks before the murder was committed? Who was the murderer and why has he been in the news last week?


Dear Blog,

                  Interestingly, last week I was shown an England School Cross Country Championships programmes when the event was held at the Woodlands Comprehensive School in Coventry. It was part of an interview for my ongoing research  into 'The History of Coventry Godiva Harriers and Other Clubs in the City over the last 140 years'. The year of the programme was 1963. the month March. I started running in October 1962 in response to advice given by the Head of Sixth Form at my school concerning techniques for getting into University. I remember going out for a run on Boxing Day and had only climbed about two miles up onto the moor when it was clear than the intensity of the driving snow was creating conditions which were far from usual. Common sense prevailed and I aborted the session to turn back home struggling in the quickly drifting snow. It was March 3rd when I next saw green grass when I ran in the National Cross Country Championships in Cambridge for my club, Bingley Harriers. I was in the upper sixth at the time and had run the Craven Schools Championships and qualified for the Yorkshire School championship event which I think was held on terraced sports school fields in Mexborough. The winter was extremely bad and the school field was sheet ice making the small climb from one pitch to the next totally impossible for those without spiked running shoes. My parents could not afford to spend money on spikes and I ran in my school pumps spending the entire race slipping, sliding and skidding on the icy surface. Needless to say I did not qualify for the English Schools Championships when I should have easily made the team!!!

I looked through the programme and was most surprised to find my name listed in the Yorkshire team!!! Here comes the rub ..... being new to the sport I was unfamiliar with the procedures, added to which my Grammar School was interested exclusively in rugby and did cross country running only when the pitches were frozen and unplayable! The few of us (5 max)  had to badger the teacher to enter us for the occasional race. So was I in the Yorkshire team or not??? Was the school sent information about my selection or not???? Should they have told me and didn't bother???? Will I ever know???? Was my name there in the programme just as a filler to make up the numbers????

I shall tell you more about my experience of sixth form life next time if I remember Blog.


Thursday, 10 December 2015


Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- Shallwebeginagin?

Question:-  Pretty obvious I would have thought?

Dear Blog,

               Smeeeeeeee, though I must confess I am not sure why. I find the whole thing some what embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Christmas present for the wife

Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- sorry Blog, I am past caring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Question:-  Who sent this Christmas card? To whom? And what is the connection to Coventry Godiva Harriers?? I will grant you Blog, that is a hard question and the clue I have given you shows a touch of genius by me, don't you think?

Dear Blog,                          

                So Blog, it's that time of year again. You know, 'the big con of 'buy one - give one - get one - bin one-  'cos its a load of rubbish' time.

                 Well my good lady wife, I use the term freely, has been dropping hints about what she wants from Father Jesus. It started when we were driven through Yokel Land on the way to Never Never Land. 'Oh look' she says 'the Browns are having their cottage painted white.' or was it the Whites were having their cottage painted brown. I don't know, it could have been the Green's for all I care. But you get the drift, Blog. Someone down the Lane was having a paint job done. And of course, that got her speculating that what was good enough for the Browns / Whites / Greens / pick whatever colour you want Blog, was for her. Period.

                 'OH Look' she says a couple of days later, 'The kitchen paintwork is beginning to look grubby.' Did I fall into the trap and reply to her Blog ? Am I stupid Blog? No I just carried on toasting  my cornflake sandwich as if nothing had been said. Subtle, that's me Blog.

                 Then it was 'It is a long time since this Morning Room was decorated'.  'Ten years' I thought 'and good for another ten!' Then it was the Breakfast Room, then the Banquet Hall ....

                 A slightly different tack was to observe that the paintwork in a particular part of the Mansion was 'tired'. I just yawned.

                The brochures started appearing next. You know the kind of thing Blog. "Special Offer. Decorate one room and get the other one done as well because it will now look shabby in comparison and you wouldn't want the neighbours to observe that would you" type of thing. Once you start Blog, you may as well go off to our Cottage in the Bahamas for a couple of months and let them get on with it while you try to forget the pain of the sun burn. But no Blog. That shows weakness. And once a chink is detected these women creatures won't let up!

                  And so it came to pass dear children mine....

                  Now I have to confess Blog ...... After six weeks of these not so subtle hints and with Christmas not twenty days away, I have buckled. I have given way under the pressure. Just this once my dear wife of so many years can have her way. If she wants the old Mansion decorated, then so be it. I have no problem with that. First thing tomorrow, I shall take the best motor car and drive into the big city to buy her pressie.  I reckon she will be tickled pink on Christmas morning when she unwraps the parcel and sees that her continual pestering about repainting has paid off. In the morning, I shall be driven straight to the posh decorating shop on the High Street and buy her a set of paint brushes. I reckon I can get some of those rubbishy Chinese ones for less than five quids if I show my pensioner's discount card. What a lucky lady my wife is, having such a dear thoughtful husband.

                      If I get any change from my five quids I may even buy her a Christmas card - always assuming  there isn't enough left for a coffee, that is.


Thursday, 26 November 2015

The Drugs Game 2015


Photo no:- one more than last time.

Question:- What is so very special for Godiva Harriers about the left hand book mark? What company produced them? What was the connection to Godiva Harriers? What was the connection to Coventry Harriers? How are Godiva connected to the three different Coventry Harriers?

Dear Blog,

                That load of question should keep you busy for a while?

                Now Blog, I have got a new game for you which I have invented.

Take a piece of paper, any piece of paper. Fold it in half, it doesn’t matter which way.

You now need some newspapers at least 2 years old. You will now need some athletic recordings from the radio and television at least two years old.

On the left hand side of the paper make a list of all the famous athletes who were active more than four years ago, preferably more than 20 years ago, who have been on tap to give quotes on athletic performance / athletic topics in the newspapers, on the radio or to pontificate on the television. Take examples from the pile of old newspapers and reels of old recordings.

Now on the right hand side of the paper make a similar list of famous athletes who were active more than four years ago, preferably more than 20 years ago, who have been on tap to give quotes over the last couple of months about the drugs scandal. Award yourself one mark for any athlete on the left hand side of the paper who is not on the right hand side of the paper. Well done.

Talking of the recent drugs scandal, I have said before that it would be interesting to test samples taken 20 or 30 years ago if they were still available. I don’t suppose for one minute that they are still in storage somewhere? Great pity, don’t you think Blog.


Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Stripped naked

Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- 217???

Question:-  Why did a Few of Godiva race walkers visit this pub annually some years ago?

Dear Blog,

                 I always have considered myself to be broad minded. But last Sunday, in the club changing rooms I was shocked. Absolutely flabbergasted. I just could not believe it.

               I was alone in the changing rooms, just having had a shower and I was towelling myself dry when in comes this lad of about 12 or 13 I would guess, and he starts to get undressed. Well. Something I have never experienced before in my 50 plus years in the sport of using changing rooms. Blog I kid you not, I was dumb founded .....

                Many years ago, very many years ago wen I were summat ov a lad an ad started runnin  like wi them Bingley Arriers, we allus travelled to races in ordinary clothes and got changed at the race venues which always had changing rooms of varying quality, but changing rooms there were, which everyone used. It was expected that such facilities would be provided as a matter of course. After a race whether it be a road, cross country or track event, the facilities were used and all competitors showered and changed together. All the blokes were starkers and no one gave it a second thought as we had been brought up at school to shower after sport as a matter of habit. Unlike today

               I suppose all this washing and changing business changed with the jogging boom and all your comprehensibles started taking part in jogging where it was the taking part that counted and not the winning....... People started talking about 'doing' a race, not 'racing'. You pays lots of your quids, you amble about a bit with many others and you gets your medal and you gets your bit of ribbon and you gets your goody bag [what a horrid word that is] and you go home for a wash.

              Today showers are rarely available after a race, and when they are, hardly anyone besides myself seems to use them. Runners of both sexes travel home in kit, presumably to shower and change there?? It is the same at my running club. Few athletes bother to shower after training. And the few that do ...... well Blog, what can I say ... the few that do, strip off and then cover themselves with a towel to walk to the showers. Is it me Blog, or is it me? And the blokes don't wrap a towel just around the lower half of their body, oh no! They have a massive towel to hide all of themselves in. Only a couple of us seem to prance around stark naked on the way to and from the shower.

           So you can understand Blog, why I was gobsmacked [what a horrid word that is] last Sunday in the changing rooms at my running club when this kid waltzes in and starts to disrobe, if you will forgive the expression. Off comes his track suit top, then his tee shirt then his running vest then his tracksuit bottoms then his shorts then his pants then his socks. And what does he do next Blog. You might well ask. You will never ever believe what I am about to reveal to you Blog. Well it was embarrassing I can tell you Blog. Yes I will. Shocked I was. He then, Blog I kid you not, then, he started carefully to turn his socks inside out then he turned his pants inside out then he turned his shorts inside out then he turned his tracksuit bottoms inside out (no joke Blog) then he turned his vest inside out  then he turned his tee shirt inside out and finally he did the same with his tracksuit top as well!!! And guess what he did then Blog? Yes, you are quite correct. He started to put his socks back on, then he put his pants back on, then he put his shorts back on and then he got into his tracksuit bottoms followed by putting his vest back on, then his tee shirt then he got into his tracksuit top, all still inside out, and then he buggered off out of the changing rooms' door. Is that as hygienic as showering I asked myself Blog .... I could not answer myself as there is obviously two sides to this question.


Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Birmingham and District cross Country League Nov 7th 2015 at Leamington

Photographic Quiz.

Photo no:- you guessed wrong last time Blog, try again.

Question:-  Who was this Liberal Prime Minister credited with winning the WW1? Which two harrier clubs did he compete for??? [Blog I kid you not, not a lot of people know that including all (??) athletic statisticians!!!!]

Dear Blog,

                   I went to the first Birmingham and District Cross Country on Saturday at Newbold Comyn, Leamington Spa; the fixture combines all Leagues so the fields for the two races are big, this year bigger than ever, especially the Ladies field.

                 And what a co-incidence? Blog, I kid you not. As you are well aware, being a man with historical interests above and beyond the norm, so to speak, in the 1920s the National Cross Country Championships were held here and because of bad organisation on the part of the officials, the runners were required to pass through a farm gateway after about 400 yards (400 metres to you Blog)  of running. And the inevitable happened. The field funnelled into the narrow gap at the gate, kettled as they say these days, Blog, and the runners were squashed into a confined space, all but the first few runners getting through the space unimpeded. Tempers flared and fighting broke out. THE POLICE WERE CALLED.

               On Saturday, the Women's race completed, the men's competition started. With such a large field, the runners were soon strung out around the course, and after the first lap offered the spectacle of an almost uninterrupted line of competitors all around the course - quite a sight!  Being a public park, there is the usual number of tarmac paths, which the runners had to cross as part of their 3 lap course; the solid stream of runners afforded few gaps for the public to slip through the field. No one minded. Indeed, the race offered something different on their usual Saturday afternoon stroll.


             One gentleman on a bike with two young children took exception to having his ride interrupted and lost his temper with the marshal big time. Presumably he was in the habit of using this public path every Saturday and was not going to let a thousand runners interrupt his routine? No way Josa, or as we say in God's Own Country, 'No way hosa'! He allegedly went into a rage, throwing his bike at the runners, and then when he was told that a member of the public had called the police to the incident, got on his bike and rode off at speed. THE POLICE WERE CALLED. It must have dawned on him after a little time, that he was minus two children, which might not have gone down too well with his wife / partner over the Sunday roast . He return to the scene of the outrage and was interviewed by the boys in blue. Luckily for the poor marshal caught up in the fracas, the events were recorded on video by spectators.

               If I remember, Blog, I will tell you about another couple of complex co-incidences which have happened in the last couple of months.



Sunday, 8 November 2015

IAAF Drugs scandal

Photographic Quiz.

Photo:- you guess Blog the number!

Question:-  What is the name of this athlete who's photo was recently sold on e-bay? What club did he belong to? And why don't the cups on the table fit with the gentleman in the photo?? [It may be of interest to you Blog, that I have interviewed the gentleman and he was quite tickled with the reason Blog, I kid you not].

Dear Blog,

                Well with all the breaking  news about the shenanigans going on in the world of athletics and drug fiddling, it would be invidious of me to pile more brown stuff on the growing pile of brown stuff, wouldn't it Blog?


What goes around, comes around.......

So let us enter the world of make believe .. IMAGINE ..... a sort of 'Round Britain Quiz' on the radio set with cryptic clues to solve  ... not that any of the clues contain a single grain of truth of course, but a bit of fun anyway. Something to do as the weather is so uninviting.

Here we go ....

Welcome to Round Britain Quizzle. I  am your host for the night and the first question is for the Gone West Team, the question has been  sent in by a Mrs. Wooden Fence from Barking who has invented all the facts just for our entertainment.

"What Official is linked a rumoured failed drugs test by a gold medal winner at the last Olympics with advice given to someone who might refuse to allow their athletic testing profile to become public with the holiday plans of another gold medallist who could not be reached by the press for a quote on the said profiling refusal, and the goings on in an American athletics training camp?"

The Gone West team is a little confused so ...

A clue

Think about who was charged with keeping the press out of the equation when the imaginary positive test was provided and was also involved in finding a solution as to why a positive might occur so that the drugs testers could be kept quiet, at least until after the Games when it would be forgotten?

Still no ideas at the Gone West Team. Well I will throw it open to the other teams. North by North South, have you any thoughts as to where this might lead if it were proved to be true, which it won't be of course.

Yes Gilbert, you are correct by saying that the photographs in the press do portray a personal connection.

Yes Lady B., there is a sex scandal involved which was kept very low profile and the national press, although reporting the alleged under age goings on, never made the connection. For a bonus mark, why do you think the connection was never made? I say this is good fun, pity nothing like this ever happens in real life.

Well teams, we are not doing too well on this question, so what I think I will do, is let it be this week's question for the listeners on the radio and I will give you the answer next week. [If I can think of one 'cos it's all made up] So it good night from the teams, 'Goodnight', 'Goodnight', 'Goodnight' and its goodnight from me, your quiz master for the evening, Frank Linn Englebert. 'Goodnight'.

As your announcer, could I ask any listener who has any questions about imaginary events of the 70s like the above, to not get in touch please.

        Tarrah, Blog.



Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Save the NHS

Photographic Quiz.

Photo No. 245.

Question:- In the first couple of years of the 19th century, a half mile track was constructed, mainly for walking competitions. This was only about five miles from the first track constructed in Coventry (NO not the Butts Blog, despite what all these local Coventry historical wallahs might say!!!) What was the name of the first winner of the first race held there? And amazingly, over a hundred years later, the European Race Walking Cup was held over the same half mile loop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What was the name of winner of the first race of the day? And what was the country the walker represented?

 Dear Blog,

                Tell Mr Cameroon and his healthy minister that the following might explain why the NHS has no spare quids ................

                 I am having a two year anniversary bash and you and your partner Blog, are cordially invited. The theme of the party will be 'Doctors and Nurses'.

                 Why is this you ask Blog. That is a very good question, if I may say. Well it is two years ago given a day here or there, that I had my mega arse over tit experience. Two months sleeping in a chair then three months in bed with my head wedged, no problem. It was my Knee stupid. An unusable left wrist [still is]. It was my right Knee stupid. Swollen calf and foot. It was my Knee stupid.

                  And so it came to pass, that six months slipped by. It was no problem injecting myself for six months. I just love needles Blog, don't you? ;It was my Knee stupid. An no real inconveniences living off warfarin and bleeding away. It was my right Knee stupid.

                 The x-rays of leg ankle, back helped to pass the time .... Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Unusual result, but no further action needed. So what is all this 'unusual' business [lease, doctor man?? It was my bloody right Knee stupid.

                 And so it came to pass, that another six months slipped by. It was a problem trying to get dressed  without the use of certain limbs to facilitate the pulling and tugging required to look my usual elegant self. It actually was my right Knee stupid.

                And so it came to pass, that  a further  six months slipped by. It was no problem  listening to all the scary noises in the scanning machine. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Lets set off with the spine. Dare I sugggest my right Knee???

               Shall we now waste further National Health money and scan your ankle??? Try the right Knee stupid! And the leg scan?? At least visiting different hospitals gave me an insight about how the National Health Service works in different parts of the country. The quality of the cups of tea vary so much ... and the price ... and the quantity. I do prefer china cup to a polystyrene mug, don't you Blog?

              Mr Cameroon says the National Health Service has pots and pots of money so we will use up a bit of it to scan your right knee.

              Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. We have another new specialist or two for you to see.

             Yes infarction  of the tibia and fibia. It was my right the Knee stupid.

             And after many moon rises, waxes and wanings, the surgeon shows me the scan of the remains of the tear of the medial ligament and the distorted bone growth of the bone which should be removed by surgery. Wot did I say two years ago????????????????? JUST WOT DID I SAY??????

            And the surgeons are impressed by my 18 inch leg scar and the scar where two of the bones in my right foot were extracted many moons ago and the scars of my half dozen abductor operations and the operation scar left after my medial ligament on my left leg was operated on .... which I cannot recall!!!!!!!!!!!! And they invite other doctors to havaluk.

           And the  new consultant was good, and he referred me to the Physio who is Brilliant with a capital 'B'.  And watch out Blog, because there could be a runner running somewhere near you soon.  Something that has  been missing in 2014 and 2015 apparently. Or so I am told. But I could be wrong. For my impeding birthday, I shall no longer use my trudges; I shall throw away my trudges and walk tall like a man and run like a gazelle. And the Lord saw that it was my right Knee.

            And with a bit of luck I will be a free agent sometime soon! And I shall give the NHS back to Mr Cameroon so he can help those that need help.


P.S. Just how many quids in the last 24 months has the NHS wasted on me when a little listen to the experience of over 50 years of trudging on my right knee here and  there and everywhere would have given a solution in minutes and saved two years of a bloody lot of PAIN!

Monday, 19 October 2015

Don't moan Colin, just have an apple.

Photographic Quiz.

Photo No. 244.

Question:- What is so unusual about the photo of this particular Godiva runner and the photographer? And at his funeral, what didn't his relatives understand??

Dear Blog,

              So after my moans and groans in my last missive to you Blog, I promise that this letter to you will be a moan free posting.

               Proud to say that in the local Horticultural and Whatever Show about three weeks ago, I managed about half a dozen thirds, same number of seconds and ONE FIRST for my various fruit and vegetable entries!!!! So a big well done to me for all the careful attention and time and loving care I have lavished on my fruit and veg during the year.



              My only first was for my desert apples, that is, my eating apples to you Blog. Was I chuffed you ask me Blog. WAS I? Well I have to admit to you Blog, that I was given the apple tree from which the 5 apples were selected by a family friend because the tree was a nuisance and got in the way of her washing line. I dug the tree up about 4 years ago, not expecting it to survive the up- rooting!! Survive it did. Flourish it did. Win a prize it did. So I spend hours and hours on my produce and do sod all for the fruit tree. And what wins???????????? The sodding apple tree for which I made bugger all effort!

             I did offer the lady the certificate and the prize money, but she declined my kind offer! Story of my life --  a lady rejecting my offers!! Tell me about it, Blog.  Am I irresistible or am I irresistible to the opposite sex??? Tell me about it Blog.

          I do tend to criticise the local authority when I feel criticism is due so it is only right that I redress the balance when I feel the opposite is true. Such a case occurred over the weekend at Lake View Park when the Coventry  Parks Department (?) mounted an Apple Day. Most interesting .... and the important gentleman using a fruit press and promoting a display of many apples recognised me from the days of yore ... 40 years at least!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the following day, just the opposite occurred.  Out 'running' (shuffling, trudging and so on and so forth to you Blog) on Sunday morning I saw a runner approaching me whom I have know for 40 odd years. I said 'hello' and asked after his health as you do in such circumstances, but was met with a grunt ... and that was it!!!!! Puzzling or what??? Was it because he was with a posh friend and preferred to not let on about the company he kept? Was it because I smelled????  Was it because I hadn't paid my council tax or was it simply a case of him being  bedazzled  by the sheer beauty of my stylish running?  It was a mile or so later that the penny suddenly dropped. For the last quarter of a century , he had got used to seeing me with a  face full of hair and a mouth full of teeth .... as of last week, my facial hair has been shorn and I now run without my false choppers in. Looking in the mirror when I got back to the changing rooms, I didn't recognise me so he had no bloody chance Blog.

        And a little more pluses for the Council. The previous week they mounted a public meeting on the Thursday evening at 5pm for an hour when everyone was struggling home from work, to explain what measurers they were being taken on traffic calming at the junction at the bottom of our Lane. Basically they are turning both my Lane and the on opposite lane, a cul de sac, into the preferential main routes and sticking a traffic island in the middle of the cross roads ... quite ingenious. They do not seem to understand, however, that we have 18 wheeled lorries delivering up the narrow country lane to the farms, the furniture factory and the animal food suppliers. It will be impossible for them to turn 270 degrees on the traffic island. But what do I know? The same situation arose when the council built the high concrete retaining barrier along the lane six months ago to stop erosion and flooding. I told them that the barriers would merely channel the water along the Lane and cause worse flooding in the winter, worse than we usually have. But what do I know?? I was wrong, however. The barriers have been in place for 6 months and they did channel the water and cause flooding worse than we usually have ... and it is only autumn and it was only after a single day of heavy rain. So Blog, I shall write to you by the first class postal system when the traffic island is destroyed by the heavy goods vehicles, given that it hasn't been  washed away by the flooding first!!!


P.S. OK Blog, I did not quite stick to my first terms of engagement. So there is no surprise there then!!!


Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Coventry Fun Run 2015

Picture Quiz:-
                       Go on Blog, guess who????
Dear Blog,
                 Long time, no moan ... so to counter balance that situation, pin back your lug holes mon ami. Je pence that is a bit of froggy stuff for 'mate' et 'I think', I think??? I could be wrong???
                 Just over a week ago, my daughter was entered to take part in the Coventry Fun Run, a three mile run around the city form the War Memorial Park to the War Memorial Park. She was to take part pushing my disable grandson in his wheelchair along with a dozen or so other pupils from his Special School. They were scheduled to start at 10am just outside the park on the tarmac, while the main Run was pencilled in to commence at 10:30 on the grass inside the Park.
                 Gets there in good time and get all the school numbers, but no official knew anything about the early start or the different start place!! Great!! After a great deal of fuss and the kiddies being kept in the cold shade of the early Sunday morning, it transpired that the start was to be 10:30 immediately before the main start. So 10:30 comes and goes, as does 10:31, 10:32 etc.. You get the picture Blog??
                 At about 10:41 or 2 or 3 .... sorry Blog, I was losing the will to live by then  ..... they set off. My daughter starts off with my grandson and fully expects the main field to start passing her soon, after all the two starts were on about 300 yards (metres to you Blog) apart. Did they get passed??? Oh no they didn't. No, not anywhere!!! I assume the main Run might have started at 11:00, but hey, who cares??? Except for a blind bloke running by himself having started at the same time as my daughter, my daughter and my grandson were passed by no one and won the wheelchair event with only this blind bloke way in front!!!!
                They were told that there was a presentation about 90 minutes later so besides having to wait 45 minutes freezing her tits off for the start, she was expected to hang about with her son for another age and a bit. And him needing a feed. I don't think so after all we are talking about a disable child here, are we not?
               Oh yes, and they won a cup which was promised in a day or so .... or 10 or 20????
             For an organising company which may have been employed by the Rotary to run the event, I may be wrong Blog, but it leaves a little to be desired. Do you want to buy my shares in the Company, Blog??? Yours at a discount!!!