Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Blood doping ...............


Photo CCXIV:-

What is so special about this medal Blog? How come it changed the face of athletics in Coventry? What happened to all its members? When did it happen? How was Godiva Harriers affected?


Dear Blog,

                Have you seen the appeals this week in the press for donations of blood as supplies are running low ... I thought when I first read it that it was another take on the Salazar affaire which has blown up in the last fortnight.

                Yesterday I went to give my regular ampoules to the National Health Service. In the last 18 months, I must have contributed at least a couple of legs and an arm full as Tony might have put it? What is wrong with me you ask Blog. A good question if I may say. Basically, to use the jargon, I 'don't fit the patient profile'! Which I suppose is medical talk for 'we haven't got a clue about you so can you please go away'. I must have cost the National Health Service a small fortune .. and for what??? Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nil. Nothing. I don't know when I am going to knock this carry-on on the head but that nice Mr Camerooon is thinking of doing away with the OAP bus pass as my regular cross city journeys are bankrupting the system.

                Perhaps more to follow if I can afford the ink.

               It's that time of year again ... the village carnival, the Allesley Fete. 40 years it has been going and the theme for this year's scarecrow competition is '40 years'. I am somewhat lacking inspiration for once so am procrastinating as to whether I should enter or not. A big commitment having all those hordes of people swilling about my Estate gawping at my master pieces. Decision time is soon .... What to do??? Blog - HELP.


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