Wednesday, 24 June 2015

How much is that doggie on the photo?


Photo CCXV1:- In the past I have come across athletic related postcards and photographs which had no information about the content. If I remember over the coming months I will bore you Blog about my genius in solving what / who the photos were all about. I must say I am proud of my record. For example, two weeks ago, I saw the above photo with the caption that it was a group of Birchfield Harriers. Birchfield Harriers in Birmingham, is one of the top athletic clubs in the country. Clearly it was NOT Birchfield Harriers. NO WAY. It took me two days to come up with the answer and names. Not bad, eh Blog, starting from cold???? Question now for you Blog .... what is the name of the dog???? No kidding ...the question is ..what is the name of the dog?

Dear Blog,

                Went into town today which is a very, very rare occurrence for me. Why did I go into town I hear you ask Blog. Good question. Well, I will tell you ... next week is the annual village festival and I usually  enter the scarecrow competition. As I needed some spray paint I had to use my bus pass to travel into the city. My wife assured me that the place to go was 'Poundland'. Why go to a children's theme park I enquired of her. I am so fortunate that looks cannot kill. She did explain to me that it was the same as Quidland (That is two Euroland shops together Blog) So I found the afore mentioned establishment and, as Henry once so wittingly remarked, I could have for a single quid any colour of spray can paint I liked as long as it was BLACK. Fine children's shop that is. I don't think!!! I shall tell my wife she does not know what she was talking about. I shall wait until she has gone out of the door before I tell her. Less hassle!


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