Wednesday, 30 March 2011

The big sleep

No photograph but a T.V. clip – unfortunately I don’t know how to load a TV clip so you will have to use your imagination!
Photo no. 35mm:-  As I was finishing the European marathon in 4th place with a lap of the track, why did the BBC commentator, David Coleman, tell the viewers that ‘...there must have been a good deal mud out on the course.’?
Just a quick note, Blog, as I’m tired. Oh so tired. I cannot believe how knackered I’ve been since last Sunday when the clocks were altered. Losing an hour of sleep each night is no joke. It’s not fair. Ask Ken Clarke, he’ll agree with me. I cannot understand how Mr Cameroon’s Financial Advisor, Mr Hosbourne,  believes he will save the country’s financial deficit by taxing us all with an hours sleep every night of the week, 52 weeks of the year. If you work out the sums, say for 6 months, the figures are:- 1 hour per person per night times 7 (days) times 26 (weeks) times 52 million (working population in GB) must equivalent to about two light years. I reckon he has nicked 2 light years from the population of this country to help offset the Budget shortfall. No way fair. What’s he going to do with them? Sell them to Dark Vadar? The Jedi could use them to shed light on its religion. And does he know I’ve this marathon thing to do in 17 days time. I need the sleep. I can’t trudge successfully missing an hour’s kip each night. Something has to done, Blog. And what about the night shift workers. They are onto a good thing aren’t they. They are not feeling the pain of this economic squeeze. One hour less to work each night for the same pay. Is that fair?? Not on your Nelly. I think you and me, Blog, should take a note out of the Arab’s book, or copy the example of the rioters in 1752 when they were twisted out of eleven days when the Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian. They carried placards proclaiming ‘Give us our 11 days’. I think our banner should read ‘ Give us our 60 minutes back’.  We should organise a petition and a programme of civil unrest, a bit of organised disorder. A sit down protest in the roadway? For starters, how about having the first road block at 10am on Sunday April 17th in Greenwich? Sounds sweet to me. With a bit of luck, by October, I reckon we can make him do a u-turn and restore the hour. Give the hour back to the workers, say I. Together we stand.  Trudgers of the world unite. Take to the roads together. Hit the walls. If Mr Cameroon’s mate is so concerned about ‘savings’, why doesn’t he cut the marathon distance from 26 miles and a bit to about 6 miles and a bit? He could rename it. He could call it a The Hosbourne 10k? Just think of the economies of saving water from unnecessary feed stations. He could save the world’s coral reefs because there would be no need for sponges. All those marshals could have the day off. The space blankets could be given back to NASA. The hot air used to inflate the air balloons near the start of the marathon could be sold to our MPs at a discount. But worst of all, losing this hour each day, means you have an hour less to give to Tiny Tim’s Children’s Centre and Newlife. (£1 per guess at my finishing time in the London Marathon and Mr Cameroon’s mate could win my medal, my t-shirt, etc.) Time is running out (should that be ‘Trudging out’??) for you to get your quids in. It is worth bearing in mind that every quid given to Tiny Tim’s Children’s Centre and Newlife. (£1 per guess at my finishing time in the London Marathon and Mr Hosbourne could win my medal, my t-shirt, etc.) means a quid less for Mr Cameroon’s mate to get his hands on!
Give, give, give, all you need to do, is give. Giving is all you need. Giving is all you need.
                  Sleepy byes, I’m off to the land of Blog, Colin.

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