Friday, 25 March 2011

History of athletics in the Coventry area.

Photograph ic Quiz:
Photo no. 10. I won the men's race and my wife won the women's race. In which posh city?
Dear Bloggsieboy,
Good idea of yours to raise a few bob for Tiny Tims Children’s Centre and Newlife, BUT. But. But. BUT.
The cost of the hire of a room would negate any profits for the two children’s charities unless I charged a silly entrance fee. And after all is said and done, an illustrated talk about athletics is hardly likely to have a huge appeal??? I would have no problem talking about the early years of athletics in the Coventry area as the development of clubs etc., very much reflected the growth of the city. (Socially, educationally, politically, industrially, philanthropy, commercially etc.) The different periods of mass unemployment meant we lost our best runners. The necessity of having to use troops to control the unrest within the city had a plus effect for the Godiva Harriers club. The different vests. The disagreements amongst Godiva members lead to the formation of at least a dozen other clubs in the city. Coventry’s first world record holder club was buried in Salford. What about the three other Olympians in the club we don’t acknowledge or the other two second claim Olympic athletes? Coventry’s first track at Earlsdon and its importance in the weaving industry. The journalist who told porkies about the foundation of the club. Why some athletes were expelled. How the Lord Mayor got in to a fight. Why Peeping Tom meant the Godiva virtually folded having only one athlete!!!  Etc. Etc. Etc..The talk therefore would be no problem, but numbers of interested parties would be important. Cost of say, £3 to include coffee, biscuit and a free guess at my marathon time. But – the room? If dear Bloggsieboy you could sort that, we would have GO .
Any more ideas?? Remember ‘we need da money’ for the disabled kiddies.
P.S. I suppose I should add that I have spent some time researching the history of Coventry Godiva Harriers. With very little archive material available, I have had to go back to primary sources and interviews of old member and their descendants - with some very surprising results!!!

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