Monday, 5 November 2012

2012 National Cross country Relay Results, November 3rd

Photograph Quiz:
Photo number 125:- Which city actually did have a club called the ******** Night Harriers? What years did it exist?
Dear Blog,
     Went to the National Cross Country Relays on Saturday at Mansfield, and although I have competed in then a few times, I was never overly keen. Cross country for me was a means to a marathon end. Road relays I felt, were a valid component in preparation for a hard road slog. Ditto cross country races. But each to his own. One of my daughter’s was competing. On one hand there were thousands of athletes of all ages and all abilities from all over the country which was a great advertisement for our sport. But on the other hand, it was so sad to see the predicament that the local athletic club, Mansfield A.C., finds itself in. At the mercy of the Trustees of Berry Hill, the club is about to lose its facilities. Surely a case for the athletic authorities at national level to step in to help a local club. Pie in the sky??? Yes, let’s pass a law banning all those ear pieces in road races and let’s see if those races organisers managed to implement the unenforceable!!! Surely a case for the athletic authorities at national level to step in to help the local club by just scrubbing such stupid legislation or get stuck in and get it sorted. Pie in the sky??? Difficulty putting a road race on? Trouble with the local authority or the local police? Surely a case for the athletic authorities at national level to step in to help a local club sort out and help local clubs at grass roots level? Pie in the sky??? An awards dinner for officials for this, that and the other. Wow, what a brilliant idea. What sort of pie shall we have for sweet? An awards dinner for athletes for this, that and the other. Wow, what a brilliant idea. What sort of pie shall we have for sweet? Oh, and while we are at it, lets stick the affiliation fee up. What about 100%? Or 200%? Or 300 %? Will it be enough to cover the costs of our awards dinners?
So Mansfield does a good job for the sport at grass level. Sign their petition Blog.
Sunday morning was the first monthly races of the Centurion A.C series. The other daughter was competing. My granddaughter couldn’t wait to run in the Fun Run. She said I could run with her next month if I do some proper training????? Did she spend last week running up all those hills in Wales and then have the hassle of sneaking back across the border at midnight to avoid customs with all the rarebits we’d smuggled in the back of the car? No she did not!
Sunday afternoon, I looked like Mr Blobby with all the clothes I was wearing while I acted as marshal at the Midland Walking League in Coventry. Had to do some fancy driving between the two events to make the latter in time for the start of the race walk. Spent most of the race shepherding dozens of mallards from the local pond away from the path of the walkers!!! Blog, I kid you not. A right pest, they were. I could make some crack about waddling, but I will refrain. It is a long time since I did a race walk. I am tempted to have another go!!! Very tempted. Watch this space.
Made my last will and testament this morning. Seriously Blog, I made my last will and testament this morning. Told the solicitor fellow that I wanted to be cremated with all my old running shoes. He said that would not be possible as it would create too much pollution. And besides, my running shoes would create too much smell.

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