Monday, 26 November 2012

Knees up, one two three......

Dear Blog,
     Thanks for the card …. I am hobbling about on crutches!!!!!!!!!! Blog, I kid you not. My knee is killing me. The cause?? Well I have a theory and I have a theory. As I said in my last letter to you, my knee just gave way on me yesterday without warning.
Theory One:- I have just spent the last week birdie sitting, looking after the grand kids budgie while their house was decorated. They thought the smell of the paint would get on the budgerigar’s chest and cause him breathing difficulties. Stupid twits! If I get my hands on it, I’ll cause it breathing difficulties. The thing just sat there on his swing or sat making eyes at himself in his mirror, stupid bird. Or making a bloody row while I was trying to concentrate on the television programmes, twittering away. I’ll teach it to twitter. Anyway, as per instructions, I let the thing out for a fly round the living room and all it did was shit on the carpet as it dive bombed the curtains. I reckon I might have done my knee by chasing the bloody thing around the  room carrying its cage in a vain attempt to catch it. God knows what the stupid thing was thinking but carrying the cage to get it back in seemed pretty obvious to me. But the bird had no idea what I was trying to do. Stupid bird. I had to stand on the sofa to hold the cage up high enough up to the curtains to catch the thing. I reckon, the wobbling about on the cushions have caused the strain. So if ever I get my hands on that feather thing again, it won’t be chicken casserole for evening meal!!!!!
Theory Two:- Theory Two is the same as Theory One.
Mileage trudged today:- A great big fat ZERO.

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