Sunday, 30 December 2012

New Year races 2013

Photograph Quiz:
Photo no. 125:- The race starts, or used to start, in front of a cathedral. Which one? In which year was the event first held? Who organised the first race? What type of race is it? Which well-known national company took over the sponsoring of the event? Where does the bridge in the photo lead to [where the building site is!]? CLUE => think ‘Pink Panther’.
Dear Blog,
              I suppose that comments have been here, there and everywhere but because I do not do media … not even a newspaper … I feel free to comment. Despite what the media infer, cycling is not a popular widespread international sport, interest being limited to a few nations only, mostly Europe; how is the spread of velodromes distributed to allow access => very limited. Despite what the media infer, swimming is not a popular international sport, interest being limited to a few nations only, mostly Europe; how is the spread of swimming / diving pools distributed to allow access => very limited. Sailing, yeh, really popular around the Sahara. The point being that athletics, nay running, nay 5000m and 10,000m is truly a worldwide phenomenon. No argument, with a capital ‘N’. We moan about standards in distance events dropping in this country. We dream about times past. We have struggled for  years to win a major gold medal at the Olympics …………….. then suddenly two come along together. SO WHY DOESN’T MO FARAH GET THE CREDIT, THE ACLAIM THAT HE DESERVES FROM THE ESTABLISHMENT. ‘Sir’ if you go for a bike ride with a few others. ‘Sir’ if you go for a paddle with a couple of friends. But for someone who wins a blue ribbon at an event(s) which is truly worldwide, where every nation can boast quality class competitors and a measly gong is awarded. INJUSTICE.
Today was the Godiva ‘5’ mile road race which used to be held on New Year’s Day …. How many other races can boast three Olympians amongst their race marshals????? Me, Dave M. and Bill A. Some boast???
As the year draws to a close, the T.V. will no doubt bang on, as per usual, about world suffering among the third world countries. Water is a premium in very many poverty stricken areas around the globe. Many do have access to water but it is badly contaminated, causing illness and suffering as a result. I wonder if anyone who has not signed the Officials Secrets Act realises that there is a huge stash of portable water purifying back packs secreted away for a time when such equipment is needed by G.B. armed forces. These units were relatively cheap to develop and produce, or so I am told. Of course I could be wrong??? I might also be wrong about them being employed by the SAS in recent on-going conflicts. This kind of equipment would be lifesaving to poor communities across the third world. Well, tough tittie matey boy, you are third world and you don’t have a vote.
One of my presents from Santa was a pair of trackster bottoms to help keep my legs warm while trudging. Very smart they are too. I feel quite embarrassed wearing them, ruining my unkempt appearance which has taken decades to nurture to its present state of perfection. BUT. Why oh why are the producers of such apparel so stingy when it comes to the length of the draw cord supplied? All makers seem to have the same fault. A couple of extra inches (centimetres to you Blog) would make all the difference. An the cost would be of no significance compared to the cost of the purchase price; only a few coppers (few new penc e to you Blog). Did you know Blog, that each host city for an Olympic Games can introduce a new sport. The new event in the 2016 Olympics in Brazil is “Hunt the Draw Cord”. The different categories are a) the length of chord, b) the number of times the cord disappears up its own sleeve in twenty trudging sessions, c) (part i) the time taken to rethread a draw cord with the use of a safety pin, (part ii) the time taken to rethread a draw cord without the use of a safety pin, d) the number of weeks before frustration forces the purchase of a new much longer replacement cord. Demonstration events will take place in Rio in 2013, and international invitation events will follow in 2014 (the top three threaders from each Olympic Nation will be invited, all expenses paid)
Does any of the above categories strike a chord with you Blog????

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